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simple beginner questions

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sorry if these are really obvious but ive just had my first dummy game with my missus to try and get the rules in my head. just wanna make sure i did a few things right.

1/ can you only walk/charge as your first AP or can you do it as your second?

2/ if your defence value has a black mask you can only defend with a mask card?

3/ do friend AND foe block LoS?

4/ do triggers only come into play when your casting? or at any time your playing cards?

5/ if you have a positive twist because of focus and after attacking you have a negative twist. do they cancel each other out and you turn with no modifier

thanks for your time. i'm LOVING this game :)

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1/ Your first AP can be spent on any 1 AP action. Your second AP can then be spent on any 1 AP action. So you can 1 AP - walk and then 1 - AP walk with a model which has 2 general AP available.

Charge is a 2 AP action so you will use up both the AP a model has (assuming no special talent/rule/spell) in order to charge.

2/ The suit symbol on Ca Cb and Df which appears on some models is a bonus suit that model has useful for triggers of special abilities. It does not mean you can only use that suit, you can use any suit and you get a 'free' mask. So if defending with a Df 6:masks and you flipped a 8:tomes your net total would be 14 :masks:tomes which means you have 14 and a :masks:tomes for any potential triggers.

3/ Depends on the models Ht stat but yes I believe friends and foes can block LOS.

4/ The trigger comes into play when you are performing the action the trigger is associated with. So a Trigger (gun attack) will ding if you hit the suits when flipping on a gun attack, a trigger (defense) would ding if you flipped the appropriate suits on a defense flip and so on and so forth.

5/ Exactly correct. On an attack you add whatever positive twists you have (special abilities, focus, charging etc) and then subtract your negative twists (opponent specials, focus, duel result etc) the result is your net twist either positive, neutral or negative depending how the gods favor you. Note you cannot 'cheat fate' on a flip with a negative twist and if you ever flip the Black Joker you must play it.

I hope that helps and I submit to the Pullmyfinger crowd and other knowledgeable types on any mistakes I have made in my explanations above.

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great thank you......this is the last question (i promise) just thought of it in the shower then :D

when your in strike range at the beginning of your turn, are you free to just walk away? can you strike and then walk away? or like other systems are you locked in combat till the end?

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5. Important Note:

Focus only gives a positive twist on the attack flip, so it would not cancel the negative twist on the damage flip

Not correct, you get a + for the attack and the damage flip.

when your in strike range at the beginning of your turn, are you free to just walk away? can you strike and then walk away? or like other systems are you locked in combat till the end?

Yes. Yes. No.

If a model leaves the melee range of an opponent, the enemy gets a free attack. If the attack hits, it doesnt do any damage (normally) but your movement end and you stuck.

If you got AP left you can start another try of course.

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