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New player- La Croix kin


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Hi Everyone,

I am a pretty new player, having only played around four games. So far I have only played as the Ortegas with some mixed results, although on my first game I did manage to kill the most people out of the four player squirmish we had, I almost had 6 victory points but I screwed up and papa loco was shot through a back door that I hadn't spotted. Anyway during a recent trip to the states I took advantage of the sweet exchange rate and bought the La Croix box set. I thought it would be worth posting something to say hello and see who else is playing this gang. I have seen the links to some of the tactics which seem fun. Any other advice for a newb? Possibly even some advice for painting.

Thanks alot

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They are my favorite crew to play at this time. I play my Neverborn for the most part but I always reach for the green when I want to have a riot of a game.

First go out and get some Slophualers. Serious, no Gremlin crew should go without them. Also get ONE blister of Bayou Gremlins, that is all you need. And when the Youngins come out Get Them. They are far better than Bayous in a Ophelia list.

Now as far a advice don't throw Ophelia out front, keep her back in the second lines as a support for your crew. Don't forget to abuse "Oooh, a Girl", reckless, dumb luck, and heals from the Slophualer. If your opponent doesn't roll their eyes every time you activate a model you are doing it wrong.:P:

I could go on and on but I'm busy at this time. But please ask questions, we love talking about our Green love.

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I've been playing with the little green meanies for a year now, pretty much since the game came to my LGS. They are uber fun. For tactical advice check out the "LaCriox Kin Tactics" forum, tons of sneaky tricks. Murphy is right, no gremlin crew should be without at least 1 slop hauler. Ophelia is support, but don't be afraid to use her if you have to. Her "Calculated Luck" trigger is just abusive!!

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I swear,Im going to make a homemade terrain board based around a circus,and the gates are all going to have a sign on them saying "you must be at least Ht 2 to enter"

In other words...damn gremlins lol. But Murphy is right...they are a blast to play against as long as you dont take the game serious. otherwise the little green buggers will drive you batty in no time flat.

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Well, first off hi! I'm your local henchman. If your ever near Firestorm Games in Cardiff on a Tuesday or Thrusday, I'll give you a game.

The LaCroix in my humble opinion, are just that little more flexible than the Ortegas. The Greenies have some redundancy in using the basic Gremlins. No crew of mine has people groaning more than my Gremlins.

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