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Seamus: Newbie HELP please!

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My 1st ever Malifaux game is coming up at the end of the month...I have the Seamus Box set so far, and can add to it if need be.

Here is what we will be playin':

Players register as a team, and each player declares their faction on signup. Each player treats the encounter as a 25 soulstone scrap (1 master, 6-card control hand, maximum soulstone pool of 8). Crews will be hired at the beginning of the tournament, and will not change between rounds. We will use the rules from the new Rules Manual for this event.

So I don't know who the store will pair me with, as I don't have a friend who plays this game yet... As a newbie I want to help my partner as much as possible...and I will be tryin' to get a grasp of the rules & the game, so I need help putting together a solid 25ss crew!!!

Thanks in advance!

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I recently ran this in 25ss and it did very well for me. Between Von Schill and Seamus you can take out most models in a turn through shooting, Von Schill is also really fast at objective grabbing when you need it.

Seamus, The Mad-Hatter
5 Cache

Von Schill

  • Rotten Belles

  • Rotten Belles

  • Rotten Belles

but I would just have a play around with the crew creator and post up any crews that grab you and we can deconstruct them.

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I would have to disagree with Ratty. I think adding a henchman to a player's first game will complicate things.

I would go with one of 2 lists.:


3 Belles

Madam Sybelle

Copycat Killer

(I feel that this list is very straight forward and could easily be picked up by a player new to the game)



3 Belles

2 Crooked Men

Copycat Killer

(I feel this list is a little more advanced, but the concept is to throw down shafted counters with crooked men, and then lure models with Belles into them.) Use Seamus and the Copycat killer to finish other stuff off.

thats just my 2 cents.

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It's a bit radical. However I've found it easier to get my points back from Von Schill (who is to be honest not exactly complicated to use) than from Madam Sybelle, which I've always felt is lack luster. I find in a Seamus list you need something that can do serious damage in addition to Seamus to make up for the fact that Belles though amazingly good for their points couldn't punch there way out of a wet paper bag. Crooked Men are also really utility, though do a bit more damage than belles.

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My advice would be to read the exceptional tactica from Sandwich. He helped me have a good strong handle on using Seamus before I ever placed him on the field.

As far as it goes...I would say


3 belles

convict gunslinger.

Punk zombie.

4 soulstones.

You keep them in pairs,one Belle with a punk zombie,one belle with the Gunslinger and one belle with Seamus. you use the Belles to pull targets into range of the gunslinger or melee range of the punk zombie. you use the belle and seamus to work together to grab objectives. I have had quite a bit of success with this set up.

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My advice would be to read the exceptional tactica from Sandwich. He helped me have a good strong handle on using Seamus before I ever placed him on the field.

As far as it goes...I would say


3 belles

convict gunslinger.

Punk zombie.

4 soulstones.

Sounds solid, and to be honest a convict gunslinger and a Punk Zombie more or less fills the same role I had Von Schill filling.

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True but this helps prevent being easily outactivated,it allows you to focus on two different sides of the board which Von Schill can't really do effectively. Plus it continues the undeads ability to avoid terrifying.

He's not all that bad at it, with the ability to fly and an additional movement AP + a very good range he can shoot anything in a 22" radius. If he's in the center of your force, that covers the entire board. having the extra activations is good, but last time I ran him I was killing enemy models turn 1 and raising them. Activations really weren't a problem after turn 2. But as I said your list should work well.

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crew.php?vFac=1&vSS=25&vBr=0&vM1=2&vHm=1&vMin=17,17,17Something I thought up quick:

Seamus - 5 Soul Stones

Rotten Belle x2 -8

Crooked Man x2 - 8

Convict Gunslinger - 6

Most people like Seamus with 3 belles for the chain lures but I'm a fan of redundancy. I see this list working well broken into two groups. (Belle + Crooked + Seamus & Belle + Crooked + Convict)

Since it's a team event and you don't know who you'd be paired with it'd probably be a good idea to take a little of everything. Belles for manipulation. Crooked men for objective denial / damage. Seamus & Convict for damage / ranged.

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For your first ever game, I would suggest sticking to the box set with the addition of his totem, really.

It gives you 7 stones which is more than necessary and is very well rounded to handle any situation you'll find yourself in.

Madame Sybelle is, honestly, not nearly as useful as any other 6 SS cost minion, but she will help you get a feel of Seamus' niche and is therefore a great starter model.

As you get a feel for the game and the giste of how Seamus and his girls work, you'll probably end up dropping her in favor of other similar cost models such as the Convict Gunslinger or the Freikorp Specialist.

But for a 25 SS tournament where your crew will remain static, especially as it will be your first ever bout of games, I personally believe the starter box + totem will serve you VERY well.


The starter list is particularly effective in a team enviroment (Especially in your situation of not knowing who you'll be with) because you can easily tailor your playstyle to compliment your ally in a way that will make success much easier to attain.

Edited by Sandwich
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I agree with Sandwich.

Sticking to your roots is a great idea.

A few other switches don't matter much, but he has his own distinct playstyle and his Belles are what makes him awesome.

You should check out his "nigh-complete" tactica. It covers the strengths and weaknesses of most masters that you will face.

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