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Levi + Collodi


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I was looking through the two books as I'm beginning to delve into the possibilities involving Leveticus. I've played both Ressers and Neverborn and am looking to start this crew.

I read through the different tactics articles and rules questions involving Levi, and it often seems that mobility is an issue with him.

I was wondering if anyone had looked into running Collodi and Marionettes with him. Collodi gives you a very resilient, mobile henchmen to run around and work on strategies and schemes while Levi moves headlong into your opponent's crew and causes destruction.

A possible sample crew:


Rusty Alyce - 8

Ryle - 8

Collodi - 8

Marionette - 2

Marionette - 2

Marionette - 2

Marionette - 2

Soulstone Cache - 3

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

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Yeah I'm looking forward to Collodi a lot, and just stumbled upon the fact that I can use him with my Levi crew. I'm excited to see how they work together, and your list looks pretty solid.

You could also drop Ryle for Jack Daw...now that wouldn't be the hardest hitting list out there...but it would cause some people some headaches, lol. Though I do love Ryle...just waiting for my LGS to stock him :banghead:.

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I did realize after I posted this that I cannot include both Ryle and Collodi in the same list. The Special Forces limits prevents them from being used together.

That does leave about 11 points open, minus the number of soulstones you might want. Anyone have any suggestions of what to use for the last points in this list?

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Hmm, yeah, forgot about that too. Idk, I mean you probably won't find anything with Ryle's ranged power, but there are plenty of things you could take. In terms of single models:

Hooded Rider


Jack Daw

Bete Noir


etc, etc, but those would be good things to take. Problem is, like I said, you'd pretty much have to take a melee monster...not many 8-10 point shooters out there who can be hired by Levi.

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Yeah that really sucks that you can't have ryle and Collodi in the same crew due to SF. Yeah, the hanged could be a good option as well, but whenever I think hanged, I think Jack Daw, as he meshes incredibly well with Levi (not that the hanged don't, but I'm just partial to JD).

Then again, you could also just take SPA's for the Desi, but you might have to drop a Marionette to do that...hmm. Dunno, I guess the issue comes from taking a master with very open hiring ability with a Henchman who is very limited in what he can take while using up your SF slot.

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