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Super heroes, super villians, the Ultimate Showdown. Versus was a game that my friends and I created to satisfy our need for pointless matchups between unrelated characters from across multiple genres. Without further ado, the rules for team creation:

1.) Two teams of three, three heroes, three villians

2.) Choices must be of leuitenant level, no planet-destroying characters.

3.) No iconic characters. The Joker is awsome, but you can't take him (or Batman, or a number of others.) They tend to get fights broken down into "Yeah, but he's Batman." So, no-go.

4.) For characters with large histories or multiple versions, it is useful to choose what saga or version they come from.

5.) No two characters on the same set (heroes/villians) can come from the same series. Preferably the same universe.

6.) All statted Malifaux characters are acceptable.

Existing sets:

Doctor Amos: Lucca Ashtear, Alex Luis Armstrong, Alistair Moody

Harror Nightstalker; Maximillion Pegasus (Pegasus J. Crawford); Fred Dukes (Blob)

1.) Motoko Kusanagi, Samus Aran, Egon Spengler

Gaara, Lust, Solomon Grundy

Quade: Himura Kenshin, Seras Victoria, Ryoko Hakubi

Twilight Suzuka, Seta Sojiro, Jinnosuke “Kuma”

2.) Alistair Smythe, Red X, Goldar (Griffozer)

Jubei, Jeriah the Pervy Sage, Kyra Yamato

3.) Casanova Frankenstein, Harley Quinn, Vicious

Uncle (Jacki Chan Adventures), Brock Samson, Sam Carter

4.) Fox McCloud, Nightwing, Miroku

Bowser, Wolf O’Donnell, Curare

5.) Gir, Witch Hunter Robin, Jack Skelington

Dexter, Luna (Crazy Kung-Fu Wolf Bitch), Princess Azula

6.) Vega, Gambit, The Arbiter

Captain America, Dante, Deadpool

7.) Sho Fukamachi (Guyver I), Ryu Hayabusa, Dinobot

Tyrannosaurus Reich, Mewtwo, Dr. Henry Killinger

8.) Hellboy, Blade, Battle Pope

Namak Reaper, Predator, Samiel (the Desolate One, Son of Nergal, Hound of Resurrection)

Never Ending: Flash, Green Arrow, Night Crawler

Leech, Carnage, Killer Croc


The Spirit (will eisner's the spirit), Green Hornet (Green Hornet), Willow ( buffy the vampire slayer - before she went crazy)

Hush (Batman), Prince Zuko (Avatar: tLA), Baba Yaga ( From the Comic Fables)


Mermaid Man & Barnacle Boy (Spongebob), Space Ghost (from coast to coast), Harvey Birdman (attorney at law)

The Monarch (Venture Brothers), Toyman (DC Challenge of the Superfriends), Lrrr of the planet Omicron Persei 8 (Futurama)

Edited by Doctor Amos
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Excellent choice, sir. Neverending Heroes on offense, Defending Villains.

Flash v Gambit

Gambit is fast, and has energy attacks, but is clearly no match for Flash’s speed. The ability to outrun thrown weapons wins this one for Flash… quickly.

Green Arrow v Vega

A close call. Green Arrow hedges out range here, and can probably go toe-to-toe up close, at least for short spans of time. However, Vega is a trained assassin (among other things). This is going to come down to a lucky shot, I think, although Arrow has the edge on lucky shots.

Night Crawler v Arbiter

None of your heroes match well against an enemy who can cloak themselves, unfortunately. Nightcrawler takes one for the team and takes a beamsword to the back of the head.

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Neverending Villians on Defense, Heroes on Offense

Dante v Leech: Taking Dante's powers here makes for a more interesting match. Leech isn't nearly as skilled in unsing weapons as Dante, although the depowering severly impares his regeneration and dexterity. At best this is an ugly tie, but I think I'd still pull for Dante to edge out.

America v Carnage: Carnage is hardcore. This match is going to be a rough one, but I hedge out Carnage for the win. Being from the same universe, they may have battled before, but I can’t recall any such fight.

Deadpool v Croc: Croc is limited by intellect and speed, Deadpool’s strengths. Combine with mutant regeneration and some mild teleporting, and this looks like a win for DP.

(So noted for Leech).

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Imagine doing this squad vs. squad like malifaux, that would be fun! YEah devouring hellspawn is an acquired taste XD. Leech vs Deadpool, not even fair but Dante vs Croc. I think Dante would still win (and not just because thats my name. Good bout sir this is very intriguing

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My group used to play this game for hours. It's great. There are some epic matchups.

Predator vs. Maximillion Pegasus. Of course Predator can play YuGiOh. His people invented the game and gave it ancient Egypt.

T-1000 vs. Lucca Ashtear: A never-ending battle of going back in time to kill the other one.

GiR vs. Egon Spengler: A protonic explosion that vaporizes a 200 square mile radius.

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Zabuza's been taken by... at least three people. But he doesn't seem to be on the master list (I think the player who had him last isn't represented here.) So, other than that, looks fine. Adding to the repository.

Also, it's very late here, so I'm gunno go sleep. You'll have to fight amoungst yourselves until I get back. ::tosses half a pool cue onto the ground::

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Also for clarity, here are the Rules, with all current updates.


Teams of Three: Each player is allowed two teams; one heroes, one villains. Each of these teams is allowed three members.

Exception: Some heroes/villains always come in pairs or duos. For instance, Mas y Menos or the Wonder Twins. In cases such as these, the pair is taken as a single choice.

Lieutenant Level Power: The members of your team must be below a certain level (otherwise they would never follow your orders, and it would make the game outrageous quite quickly). The cut-off is known as Power Level Seven. This means, most readily, that the character is capable of single-handedly posing a legitimate threat to the entire planet.

Power Level Eight Plus: These characters will be laughed off the set and dismissed immediately. They include Galactus, Unicron, Q, Trigon, The Primarchs, Doctor Manhattan, Cthulu, Godzilla, Goku, etc.

Power Level Seven: These are where people really complain, but it is still very important to deny these claims, for a number of reasons. Examples include Magnito, Darth Vader, the Joker, Doctor Doom, Superman, etc.

Chronicle: Each character must be taken from a specific point in their existence. Many characters from the video game and comic book genres look very different either at the start of the game or in a story written by a different writer. If your character is denied as too powerful, consider taking them from a different chronicle.

Stuff: Some characters acquire and/or lose a number of weapons and artifacts over their career. For some characters, such as Link, this equipment is defining and will depend heavily on the chronicle. Others, such as Jack Spicer, gain and lose powerful artifacts so quickly that even the chronicle is irrelevant. In these cases, the character’s owner must define what equipment the character has at creation (three items is fairly standard).

Oddball Stuff. You may never, ever, ever take a character more than once. Not on both teams, not from different chronicles, not from alternate realities, never. Ever.

What’s off limits? There are two different types of genres that are strictly off limits. The first is real-life men and women. You might think of them as heroes and villains, but their inclusion causes more problems than it solves. Nixon bad, robot Nixon from Futurama good. Secondly, characters created by the player, or any other similar user-created content, is forbidden. Such characters are highly personal, unreasearchable, untranslatable, and again, cause too many problems.

Almost off limits. There are a few more gray areas. Live action series are acceptable, but moderation is encouraged. Generally, try to keep it to one live-action character per both teams. Secondly, redundancy and team-building are discouraged. You may like three heroes from the same series, but it’s fairly boring to put them together onto a team. Also, it might be funny to have three characters with a coherent theme (Blob, the Human Ton, and Chang Kaohan), but it is also disruptive and against the spirit of the game. Your team will likely have some form of theme, but it should be unintentional and organic.

Priority. Characters are given priority on a first come, first serve basis. If a character has already been taken, they may not be taken again (even in a different chronicle, etc.)

Changing Sides. It is generally not recommended that you change teams after creation. However, you might remember that so-and-so is so much more awesome than the jerk you have right now. Please allow sufficient time for changes to occur and try to limit your changes. If a problem occurs, changing members may be limited or restricted.

What’s a Hero? It’s really hard to say. As a rule, a character is a hero if they act selflessly, fight against evil, and/or further ideals such as peace, freedom, truth, and justice. A character is a villain if they are selfish, fight against good, and/or promote tyranny, war, vice, and lawlessness. If you still can’t decide, then… pick someone else. They might be awesome, but if they’re a fence-sitter, they need to stay on the sidelines.

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