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help with seamus list


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Hi guys I'm agter your wisdom.I've mot played tonns of games but ive.played enough and was hoping for your advice on my seamus list that I'm taking to a tournament this week,its 40ss and

Belle 4ss

Belle 4ss

Belle 4ss

Madame sybelle 6ss

Hanged 8ss

Hanged 8ss

Copycat killer 2ss

Seamus with 6ss cache.

Your thoughts are much appreciated.

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Dont ask how I know this...But there is a dance troup called the living dead girls. I actually saw them in a very ridiculous zombie movie. But umm...yeah..Would work to lure me out of a tournament no question.Name of the movie was Retardead. Dont watch it unless your ready for ridiculousness on a epic level,but the scene with the zombie dancer chicks almost makes it worth it.

Anyways,I would say from memorizing sandwichs tactica and my own experience,that a little bit of fire power does wonders for Seamus.

Also that crooked man rarely work out as well as they seem on paper. Get yourself a Convict gunslinger,and pair a belle with him to lure your targets into the open and within range of flurry.

Alternately get a Punk zombie to pair with a Belle. Both variations work really well,and give Seamus some much needed damage dealing to go with our hard as nails toughness.

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I'm glad my Tactica is working for everyone. :]

A couple things,

I 100% never use Crooked Men, ever.

They're just not good at all with me for some reason, points are better spent in other models, like Rotten Belles.

Ranged is a huge bonus, but understand that you, as Seamus, have the ability to very quickly remove any gap and force melee on any model that is not immune to influence.

That is to say, never bring a ranged model to counter a ranged crew, your Belles will serve you much, much better.

Bete Noire is wonderful always, under any circumstance.

Paired Cb 6 with 2/3/4 and a huge potential to get multiple :+fate on damage flips makes that Red Joker in your hand real, real fancy.

The Copy Cat Killer is actually excellent against small crews of high cost models.

His Cb is generally equal to most big bad model's Df.

Killjoy? Df 3.

Mature Nephilim? Df 4.

Hooded Rider? Df 4.

Teddy? Df 4.

Peacekeeper? Df 4(?)

So shooting them with his wee little gun is never a bad idea.

Against living crews he's even better.

He's a disposable tool to get off two Terrifying ->14 4" auras.

The Hanged work well against most crews but the more you play the more you will come to love Belles.

Promise. :]

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I don't know mate, the crooked men seem to work very well for me. That shafted marker might not do much but your opponent will think twice before moving near it and that is a big help in many strategies. Also the occasional blast on cave in is a nice surprise. And the cherry on top is Crooked and Evasive2. That is what comes handy against a shooty crew. In CC they are about as good as the belles with more stable dmg output. I think they are a perfect compliment to the belles. I normally bring them hand in hand.

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