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princess malya and mr tomn


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Lovely bit of cheesecake to paint i thought, ooh what a bargain she is on dark sphere i thought too...i couldn't resist.

She arrived this morning along with candy and cola,oh dear lord i'm wide awake and having nightmares about assembling this, it's tiny yep mr tomn is over half the size of the mech in prone stance and he's tiny as it is, the set has something like 23 parts not counting the bases and six of them are really tiny fiddly fins.

Nothing comes in one solid piece the girl is 3, the bunny is 2...

and the sword...oh the horror there is flash inbetween almost every energy crackle in the centre.

Don't get me wrong it's a gorgeous mini and when completed will look amazing (if painted by someone with more talent than myself obviously) it just gives me cold sweats thinking about how long it's going to take to prep this mini before painting it...still better than forgeworld though.

Edited by cyberakuma
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not sure i haven't put a peace keeper together but since i'm waiting on pins to come i decided to put this together with blue tac earlier just to work out where the parts go as there's a sprue with 6 fins/covers that i couldn't really work out where they were meant to go straight away two obviously fit the arms and two the legs but the other two had me stumped for a while but they're meant to slot into the chest cavity as the bit that looks like a lower jaw to the head (?) of the mech so each arm is three parts with the sword lance needing a load of prepping each leg is two parts the main body is four parts plus two large fins the rider is two parts for the body and then the head and the rabbit is the closest to a solid (piece and really could have been just one solid piece) with the backpack with one arm/paw attached to it

having got this and the candy and cola mini i'm starting to think soda pop have made their minis deliberately needlessly complicated to assemble as candy and cola is 3 part and could have really been a one piece mini as the parts to attach are the one up turned leg which you can't really alter the positioning of much and an arm which i guess can be positioned in some differing angles but not by much

i know it's not a lot of parts really and after a while of looking them over you can work out where stuff is meant to go but some of their larger kits could probably do with having a basic instruction pamphlet included as gw tanks are a piece of piss compared to these and even they come with basic instructions

it's certainly not a kit i'd recommend to someone wanting to start out on mini painting...which is a shame as i know quite a few people looking for manga style miniatures to paint that don't go for the wargaming stuff but their only real quality alternatives are usually ridiculously expensive garage kits

not wanting to put anyone off buying these fantastic minis just giving a warning that you will be dealing with some really fiddly tasks putting it together

oh and another warning they sculpter her cameltoe into the mini in disturbing detail and there is no way to avoid noticing it when you have to scrape the flash away from between her thighs

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I know what you mean, I have the Ayu Beat model which is essentially a 28mm mini with a scenic base and it's something like 6 pieces IIRC.

They are gorgeous mini's though.

cheers for the heads up i was tempted to order this one too only thing that had put me off was having to order from the states and pay import tax on top of the cost...big downside to the overly exclusive limited editions...ooh shouldn't bring that up i know many on these boards seem to have issues with that stuff lol

if you do get malya try dark sphere it's over £30 pretty much everywhere else they have it for under £20

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if you do get malya try dark sphere it's over £30 pretty much everywhere else they have it for under £20

Those are phenomenal prices, I had found the relic knights for approx £27 and thought I was doing well.

I thank you good sir.

At the risk of turning this thread into a soda pop love-in, I am very much looking forward to the release of Squall.


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yeah i was shocked by them being that cheap and if they stay that cheap on there it'd certainly encourage me to get more

it'll be interesting to see what squall looks like as a mini, i do fancy getting kalico kate but i just don't like the look of the mech and having a one eyed pirate girl on her knees with her mouth wide open is probably more wrong than the camel toe on malya but if i end up buying more of them i know i'll get her eventually

and what's with the eyes i kinda thought they'd be bigger on the minis to match the manga style but they look just as small as the eyes on a battle sister unpainted

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