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35ss GremGunline crew advice needed


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Ok, I'm looking at:

Som'er Teeth

2 Skeeters

4 Gremlins




4ss Cache

I have access 2 4 more gremlins and a couple more skeeters. My questions are:

A) Is that enough gremlins to start and for git yer bro purposes? Do I need more to start or to build during the game?

B) I am not 100% on how the gun line works. Can anyone give me a link/description of the strategy used?

C) Are the family where I want to be going on this? It seems like a valid strategy to have a little in the way of legitimately decent models. Their Aim High ability also seems like a good way to handle the occasional melee my little men may wander into. But I'm TOTALLY new to Gremlins and could be way off.

Thanks in advance.

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Well, 2 things about your list that stand out to me to begin with. First Francois is not very shooty to be included in a Gunline list. He's by no means bad at it, but he's not of the caliber of Ophelia or Rami. Secondly, you probably don't need that large of a SS cache for Som'er as he'll hopefully not see too much combat. Ophelia can use it, but keeping her alive is not that high of a priority when she's not leading the crew.

I'd likely take the soulstones from Francois and a couple from your cache and buy more bros to start with.

The 2x skeeters is a good starting point. Swig one up to full or near-full health on Turn 1 and send it forward with your gunline to suck cards out of the opponent's hand. Then leave the other one to sit with Som'er and Larva more into life if you need them. With the high Cb values of Ophelia and Rami you shouldn't need the Alpha Stank tactic to successfully bring down tougher models like Lilith or Perdita.

As for how the list plays there is one very important thing to always keep in mind: your Bayou Gremlins are 100% expendable and should be played as such. Don't fret about running them into a group of baddies after triggering Deliverance or using Y'all Watch This to take out a low Df big nasty, especially if Ophelia can give them Dumb and Lucky first. You can even use Aim High and Used To It (I think that's the name of it) from the Lacroixs to reduce the number of self-inflicted casualties you create too, but don't worry about it *too* much.

Basically you'll want to use skeeters to draw cards from the opponent and then just overwhelm them with the sheer number of Strikes you perform so that eventually they start hitting home, and when they do they can do some very, very serious damage. Use Ophelia and Rami for high-threat targets. Meanwhile Som'er should just sit somewhere in relative safety churning out new bros and sending them forward as fully healed as possible.

That's the list in a nutshell. I'm sure others can give more detailed advice.

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I usually go with all Gremlins when I'm doing the gunline (gun swarm, in my case), but having Ophelia with a batch of Gremlins is great. (Gotta love Calm Down, Dammit!. No more Whoops!.)

I'm a bit unusual in my approach, of course.

For Git Yer Bro, you really only need 1 Gremlin to stay back with Som'er. The spell is a bit tough to get off (high cc), and you can use Take A Swig to heal one of the Gremlins back up to summon again. If you think you can get Git off twice in 1 turn, you can always keep 2 Gremlins back with Som'er.

Darguth is right about the regular Gremlins being expendable. I often send them up specifically to do Y'all Watch This.

I've also sometimes had Som'er kill one in melee (generally after getting off Git Yer Bro). If I do it with the right suit, I can use Come And Get It to get a piglet.

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How many gremlins do you need? Model wise. I have the Som'er crew and a blister for a total of 8. Is that enough? Or do they die so fast that having that many on the table at a time is unlikely?

Well if you're starting with 6-7 you might exceed 8 in the first turn or two as you churn ones out and yet not many are dying yet. Maybe. But once they start blowing up and getting hit they'll die fast. Som'er can make plenty, but not enough to totally recoup all the lost models. He'll usually make like 1.25 on an average turn but you're likely to lose 2-3 at least once things start getting hot and heavy.

If you wanted to grab another pack and convert them into Young Lacroix which can be used as stand-in Bayou Gremlins it might be worthwhile, but I don't think it's necessary. And if you're reaching your "model cap" you can always choose to just not heal the bro you're summoning off of so that he dies and you draw 2 cards rather than getting another bro.

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Ok, I'm looking at:

Som'er Teeth

2 Skeeters

4 Gremlins




4ss Cache

I have access 2 4 more gremlins and a couple more skeeters. My questions are:

A) Is that enough gremlins to start and for git yer bro purposes? Do I need more to start or to build during the game?

B) I am not 100% on how the gun line works. Can anyone give me a link/description of the strategy used?

C) Are the family where I want to be going on this? It seems like a valid strategy to have a little in the way of legitimately decent models. Their Aim High ability also seems like a good way to handle the occasional melee my little men may wander into. But I'm TOTALLY new to Gremlins and could be way off.

Thanks in advance.

I haven't read the other responses, but I'll throw my 2 cents in:

A) I think four is the optimum number for git yer bro. It's what I frequently run at that point level.

B) I believe there are some descriptions in the gremlin tactics thread. There are links in the opening post. Long story shot: lots of gremlins shoot lots of things. 4 is not enough for this strategy.

C) With Sommer I actually prefer not to use the family. Sommer has little synergy with them. So I would either drop the family and add pigs or make ophelia the master and drop sommer.

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I disagree. Somer and skeeters with the family is a sick combo. Nerf There hand and then murder there guy with a line. I also love Pere.

But they're expensive, comparatively.

You could nerf their hand, lower their defense to 4 with a slop hauler, and then get a lot more shots off with regular gremlins. Or large amounts of damage with war pigs.

It also spreads out your liability. Meaning: they can kill one gremlin, but your don't care. You have more. They drop Ophelia, well...

I just like Ophelia better as a master than a henchman. But that's me.

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Ophelia is the same points as a pig but better and more synergistic. As for the Hauler I only get to play with models that are out.

Yeah, she is.

But if you're going to run more of the family than just her, you should have her as the master and run the whole family without sommer. Her synergy is with the family.

Running her alone in sommer is acceptable. Generally a good idea.

Running her as a master is great.

Running her and two or three family members with sommer...I just find awkward.

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Well I normally been playing my crew in 35ss games:


Ophelia 8ss

Remo 6ss

Pere 5ss

4x Bayou Gremlins 8ss

2x Skeeters 4ss

4ss Cache

I often start games with Somer and do not companion. I cast git r bro to multiply a bayou. Once this is complete I will use git r bro again if i have the cards. Otherwise, I use swig on a gremlin and skeeter that will not be used to make a new one. Plus, I get to draw two cards. One skeeter (healed one) should be able to move into position to eat cards on turn two. The other bayou gremlins start to move up to form a line. The new skeeter should also move into position for a gank attack if needed. If not looking like it is needed then I often keep it by Somer to be healed next turn. As for the Kin, I usually leave them to the end. At this point if my opponent made a mistake a left a group together I will eat them alive with pere. Ophelia will move pere into position with o a girl. Otherwise i leave him for next turn. I especially will do this if I have a 13 in hand. Remi can shoot Pere as a final point of damage for ka-blooy or hope to win initiative and go for oopsie again. Turn two I am set up to make a fourth skeeter and heal more gremlins. Before shooting I often eat cards from there hand so my gunline can eat my opponent alive. I keep Ophelia close to gremlins to keep whoops off. Remi often was moved to a high position and picks people off. Gremlins can also go get objectives while gunline protects. Make sure you do not loose all bayou gremlins and skeeter or you will never get another one. I have a tourney coming up that I get a 40ss list and I am going to add a slop hauler and bayou with a 3ss cache. Thoughts?

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