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New release schedule


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So the impending book 3... the hints we see are that it's coming sooner than later. At least that's my interpretation. Now as of this posting all the models, with one exception, have been released for the main book. Three starter boxes have been released for book 2 with no blisters in the store yet. Do we know if there will be an accelerated release schedule for the book 2 figs or will book 3 be dropping with a lot of book 2 still miniature-less? Or will book 3 be slower than I am thinking?

Also, do we know what is dropping for the next couple months?

Edited by deadboy
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OK, fishing through the gencon release announcement I see:










Performer + Manequin 1 & 2



Hooded Rider

Bad Dreams Box

Ophelia LaCroix

Francois LaCroix

Rami LaCroix

Raphael LaCroix

Pere Ravage

Has anything else been announced?

Do we know when these blisters, in said months, will drop?

I know I'm waiting to be able to pick up additional models for the Kirai crew before I get the starter. And there are so many cool new gremlin things I can't begin to express my eagerness.

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Can someone PLEASE make the release schedule a sticky or more pronounced on the site? No offense, but it seems everyday someone is posting asking for it.

There could be a giant full page post with all the release dates in giant fluorescent neon colors that blink, flash, and sparkle that you have to click to continue to the thread, and people would still miss it.

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But the crux of my question, to my knowledge, remains unadressed. Will the new release schedule be such that the 2nd book will have a fully released collection of miniatures before book 3 comes out or will there be two books out at the same time with a number of miniatures that must be proxied? Has there been an announcement or do we have no idea?

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