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I like mine. Its nice small bag that can carry both my books, two decks, all the counters I need, my cards, my tourney tray and a large amount of minis.

Its my first Battlefoam bag and I will admit its not cheap. But the Canvas is really strong, the embroidery is excellent(My wife family owns a printing and embroidery company and even she was impressed with the quality).

My only complaint if of the three foam trays in it. One has is mostly made up of small precut spots. Great for Totems and Gremlins but not that great for size 2 models. The suggestion I have seen is to cut out the dividers and make two small slots into 1 big slot(big enough for most 40 mm guys). Which I might try.

I have heard complaints that people say all the trays are not big enough for model, but I don't see it. Also some people think the bag is to small but honetly my bag has every Guild model ever made in it, plus about half the Resurrectionists and its still got room. I even have my Lord Chompy bits in there.

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Lucky to have it? Anyone can get it at anytime. They didn't make a certain number of them. I think. Look at the Flames of war, Hordes, and Warmachine bags they are still selling and they have been out for quite some time now. I would recommend it. Battlefoam makes great products. I haven't got this bag yet, but with in the next month or so I am going to.


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I like the bag

I'm glad I bought it

As nilus stated there are some complaints about one of the trays being on the small side; considering our smallest fig is a ht1 and still on a 30mm base I can see that being poor planning on BF part

there is some gripes about eh texture of the foam being on the course side as well... I've not had an issue- solid work on sealing the mini should prevent issues

My only Real concern...

is the "Supplies side"

it is poorly laid out period; there is a bunch of wasted space

while what seems intuitive to me may not be for eveyone

several of the pockets are odly sized for ...?? I dunno what

what should be space for cards is either too long

or the other is not deep enough

I can still get all my minis (Outcast criminals & Marcus beast crew) in the bag, 2 books, 2 dry erase, 2 decks, 2 tape measures, a packet of eratta and my cards

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The card slot is for when you have your cards laminated you can

put them in the long and opened way.


Oh, I get the "Intention" of the pouches...

they are still laid out badly

but as a long time gamer I know warbands are sold and traded like baseball cards

suggestiong that BF thought about laminationg cards and NOT about the choice of using the smaller tray is silly

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Oh, I get the "Intention" of the pouches...

they are still laid out badly

but as a long time gamer I know warbands are sold and traded like baseball cards

suggestiong that BF thought about laminationg cards and NOT about the choice of using the smaller tray is silly

Ya I think they go with what a majority of people do. I laminate my cards for instance.

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I picked the bag up. I like it. I'm probably going to look at replacing the smaller tray, as it's pretty much worthless. I think the only one of my models that fits in those slots is copycat killer. My belles certainly do not fit. The pluck foam tray is nice though.

I'm actually using it to carry both my Malifaux models and my Mordheim models. It fits the Mordheim ones pretty well. I was able to fit my 2 larger possessed models comfortably into the pluck foam.

The pockets all work pretty well for me. I have 2 decks of cards (regular and puppet). I have all my cards laminated and they fit pretty well into that pocket. The bottom pocket I haven't found a use for yet, but I'll probably toss like dry erase markers and counters and stuff in there.

My biggest complaint is that I have to put one rulebook on the inside pocket, and the other book on the outside pocket. When we get a book 3... where will I put it?

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it's a neat Idea

but (and I didin't really elaborate the point before)

but laminating a stat card (Or any game element) is rather.. Permenant

meaning, in the ttg world, you intend to keep your stuff

which in my experience is unrealistic

and as I mentioned, I'm sure the BF people KNOW players drop games and armies and trade for others ALL THE TIME thus the complex flexabilities of their battle bags-

(look at bartertown.com for further proof of armies being traded en mass)

as an aside

even if players do laminate their cards- of the 2 'intended' pouchs, one is far too shallow to hold a bags worth of minis,

the other is too long and the cards drop just beyond reach

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My biggest complaint is that I have to put one rulebook on the inside pocket, and the other book on the outside pocket. When we get a book 3... where will I put it?

Well book 3 isn't gonna come out for awhile.(meaning 1-2 years most likely because they have to release all the mini's for book 2)

I thought the inside pocket or outside pocket could fit both books into it.

Edited by HoarcatsPride
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Well, personally I don't really ever trade/sell my minis. Once I buy them, they are here to stay. So, laminating isn't a problem for me. Heck, I bought a laminator just for the cards and for making my own quick reference sheets and stuff.

They fit snugly into the big pocket next to the cards, and are easily removed. No problems here.

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Well book 3 isn't gonna come out for awhile(meaning 1-2 years most likely because they have to release all the mini's for book 2) I would think so no worrying about that.

I thought the inside pocket or outside pocket could fit both books into it.

They can't really fit unless maybe you were to shove them in and risk damaging them.

I wouldn't count on book 3 taking that long... they've already started teasing it.

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even if players do laminate their cards- of the 2 'intended' pouchs, one is far too shallow to hold a bags worth of minis,the other is too long and the cards drop just beyond reach

The First two pouches are for a fate deck each. The long narrow

one below it is for tokens and other gaming things you would use, and the big slot to the far right is for the stat cards that would be some how protect and opened to fit within this slot.

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They can't really fit unless maybe you were to shove them in and risk damaging them.

I wouldn't count on book 3 taking that long... they've already started teasing it.

Well I think book 3 will come out mid to late 2011 and maybe BF thought book 2 was a little bit smaller.

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I don't have a problem putting 2 books in the outside velcro closure

but I can see book 3 causing issues LOL

While I don't want to have to modify my kit, I can forsee making or using a tray space for cards & books

hopefully there is enough feed back and requestes to BF over the next 3-6 months they will offer a "suplementary" tray

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I don't have a problem putting 2 books in the outside velcro closure

but I can see book 3 causing issues LOL

While I don't want to have to modify my kit, I can forsee making or using a tray space for cards & books

hopefully there is enough feed back and requestes to BF over the next 3-6 months they will offer a "suplementary" tray

You can actually use the website to build your own trays. They'll custom fit them to any sizes you wish. Make up your own with space to fit the books/any other stuff you want. :)

Tray creator is here: http://battlefoam.com/tray.html

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You can actually use the website to build your own trays. They'll custom fit them to any sizes you wish. Make up your own with space to fit the books/any other stuff you want. :)

Tray creator is here: http://battlefoam.com/tray.html


the Malifaux designer is UP!


I just designed my tray to carry my tape measue, 3 stacks of Top-loader cards, corps/scrap counters and dry erase markers!

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I must say, I do quite like the bag - as a Neverborn/Ress player I have quite a few models which fit into the smaller spaces nicely, my only concern is the rather small-ish pluck foam tray - i'd like it more if it was at least half an inch thicker, since i had to build my mature nephilims in quite minimalistic height (some bending included) to fit them into the foam. (and yes, no space for the 40mm minis in 'basic' trays - that botheres me too, but i guess that i'll store the two armies nicely)

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I must say, I do quite like the bag - as a Neverborn/Ress player I have quite a few models which fit into the smaller spaces nicely, my only concern is the rather small-ish pluck foam tray - i'd like it more if it was at least half an inch thicker, since i had to build my mature nephilims in quite minimalistic height (some bending included) to fit them into the foam. (and yes, no space for the 40mm minis in 'basic' trays - that botheres me too, but i guess that i'll store the two armies nicely)

What resser models do you have that fit into the smaller spaces? Copycat killer, canines... what else?

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On the D6 Generation podcast Eric said that book 3 would be out before next Gencon, so mid to early 2011. I do not think they are going to wait to release all the models in book 2 before releasing book 3.

It's hard to say. When the next release like that is going to be. There might be some delays, but earlier the better. lol

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What resser models do you have that fit into the smaller spaces? Copycat killer, canines... what else?

well, maybe it's that i don't do any fancy "basing on a huge rock" stuff, but all the dogs (chihuahua included :-D), nurses, some of the necropunks, sebastian, some of the mindless zombies.

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well, maybe it's that i don't do any fancy "basing on a huge rock" stuff, but all the dogs (chihuahua included :-D), nurses, some of the necropunks, sebastian, some of the mindless zombies.

All of the stuff I don't have yet. :-P I typically don't do large bases (in fact I even use the tabs/slots usually), but most normal size models don't fit. My belles, Seamus, Sybelle all don't fit.

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