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Kirai vs. Ramos.....Narrated 35 ss


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Kirai vs Ramos. 35 ss

Ramos was in the Badlands looking for some material for a new construct that he has been working on for awhile. With him was Rusty Alice acting as a bodyguard whiles on this excursion. He also had his trusty Brass Arachnid, a few steampunk spiders, and for the first time he brought some of Colette's corphyee to help him along just in case of a tussle.

After moving deeper into the Badlands, he noticed a young looking woman crying while surrounded by what seemed to look like floating Oriental heads. As he drew closer to what he came for, Ramos noticed the crying woman's head snap up and stare deeply into his eyes. Then she wailed as loud as her little lungs could. But to Ramos it seemed almost supernatural how loud her wail became. When she stopped she proceeded to cut her arm deeply with a pair of sheers she held in her other hand. As the blood trickled onto the ground, something started to form from the blood, but before it was totally formed, the woman swiped her cut arm through the air flinging a line of blood closer to him. Ramos still confused on what was going on ordered the corphyee to flank forward towards the now bleeding woman in attempts to apprehend her. Rusty staid close to Ramos, while the spiders ran straight forward. The Brass arachnid imbued Ramos with more power giving him more energy. After everything Was in place he moved forward slowly, and in a moments notice out of the blood line flung towards him, an angry looking woman emerged from it, wailing even louder than the crying woman, and standing twice her height as well. Focusing at the crying woman, Ramos noticed a woman walk from behind the crying woman. This new woman was dressed in a nurses outfit. This "nurse" proceeded to inject the crying woman with a serum that looked as thought it invigorated the crying woman even after loosing so much blood.

The crying woman then willed her other spirits, which seemed to appear from nowhere, towards Ramos. Ever closer did they move when the tall wailing womanlike spirit emiited a large pulse that drew the other spirits ever so closer. Then out from the ground, a man with crooked features made his way towards Ramos. Followed by a dog, then a man who looked as though he used to be a guardsmen, at least to what Ramos can recall a guardsmen looked like. After the dead guardsmen, a human man walked up from the horizon and stood next to the woman who used to be crying, and was not no more. Now to what Ramos could make out, the woman looked like a flame was lit in her heart as she willed another one of her minions, this one looking like a little old lady with a lamp, to stab the man through the chest. Then with a twiddle of her fingers, the lamp holding lady cast a spell that looked like it tore the mans very spirit right from his body. But to Ramos surprise the spirit began to mutate into a hooded looking creature that was drooling at the mouth. Then right next to the woman another floating head appeared.

As Ramos drew closer, the tall wailing creature began to attack the right flanking corphyee. And to Ramos knowledge, he knew alone the corphyee were brittle. So he ordered the other one to start making it way over to its twin. But before it made it, the other corphyee started to spin around, and when it stopped the second corphyee appeared next to the first. At that moment they began to dance in a duet instead of by themselves. The corphyee then proceeded to hack at the wailing creature, but to no avail. Ramos noticed that with every swing, no blood or liquid emerged from the wailing woman, it just dematerialized her a little bit. So he concluded that these weren't creatures, but spirits. The corphyee finally realized that their normal attacks were hurting it that well. So they began to play, at least to Ramos ears, the most beautiful sounding music. But to the wailing spirit, it seemed to hurt it more than normal, as it clawed at its ears for sanctuary. The woman in the distance teleported right next to the wailing spirit, and abosrbed her essence. As she did this, Ramos noticed that her arm began to heal. And she seemed a bit faster than normal. Ramos yelled across the field, "who are you, and what are you doing here?" The woman began to cry again, but replied, "my name is kirai ankoku, and I'm exacting revenge on everybody in all of malifaux for what they did to my lover." And with her final words a ghostly figure of a man appeared next to her, and kissed her on her dying cheek. When he did that she returned to life, but to Ramos she was not hovering above the ground, and all her clothes floated as though there was a gentle breeze coming from under her. She too was now a spirit. Ramos could not afford this delay and began to fire his electrical fire into the spirits, killing one of the drooling spirits, he then became furious and punched one of his own spiders only to repair it the next second. Rusty began to fire upon the spirits killing another of the drooling spirits. The Brass arachnid imbued Ramos again. This time Ramos created another spider, and his very own type of spirit, the electrical creation. He then willed it to walk through a couple of spirits causing some minor damage to occur.

Then kirai willed her old lady spirit to kill the dog to create another drooling spirit, as well as kill the dead guardsmen to do the same. This time next to kirai only one floating head appeared. But one more drooling spirit appeared as well. Now all three drooling spirits charged forth towards Rusty. She quickly dispatched one of the three but the other reached her very quickly. The two drooling creatures began to claw, bite, and tear at her. She quickly killed one, then the other. But as the second one died it lashed out for one final strike, and caught Rusty right in the throat making her bleed out to death.

Kirai started absorbing one of the heads to heal her, when out of no where, a swarm of spiders attacked her and nearly killed her. With the last of her strength she abosrbed the floating head and cut herself again. Ramos knew what would happen next. The wailing lady emerged from the blood, and quickly dispatched the swarm of spiders. As the spiders died, it seemed to Ramos that kirai began to heal. Then the wailing woman sprung forth towards Ramos and clawed him on the shoulder, he noticed that his armor plantings did nothing against the attacks. Her claws went straight for the flesh, he knew now for sure they were spirits. And things weren't looking good for him. He did the only thing he could think of, and struck the wailing spirit with his fist, and to his surprise he held on to the spirit holding it from attacking him no more. Then the old lady spirit popped up next to the wailing spirit and cut the wailing spirit free, then cut down the Brass arachnid. Ramos hurt and kneeling, he looked up at the wailing spirit and it said, "vengeance has been attained, this was not your fault." She smiled and placed a hand on him as he blacked out. He awoke in his lab, with Rusty and the Brass arachnid at his side, both fully fixed up and not damaged at all. He looked around and noticed that what he came for was on his workbench, with a bloody letter sticking to it. He approached the letter, picked it up And read it. It read, "GOOD GAME, love Kirai."

So if you couldn't tell, Kirai won and got full VP. Ramos got his objective, but was "killed" in the end. He got his named scheme as well.

Turn one kirai mostly killed off her fleshies to make spirits with the datsue-ba. And spirit fooded to get more gaki. Ramos moved forward alttile and flanked the corphyee to both sides. This was the first time the Ramos player tried corphyee so he wasn't familiar with how they worked.

Turn two not much happened

Turn three the ikiryo hopped towards the center and pulled the other spirits closer. The corphyee dueted and began to hot the ikiryo but only did half damage. Then he used the orchestra spell and had ikiryo to 1 wd. The kirai player into the spirit worlded to get to the ikiryo and absorbed it. Then resummoned it. Other stuff happened and that's about it.

Turn four the gaki made it to rusty. She killed one, the other two clawed her almost to death. She then killed the other two, but the one killed her with their slow to die strike.

Turn five Ramos killed one of his spiders, brought it back and they swarmed. He also summoned an electrical creation. That thing ran through a few spirits damaging them. The ikiryo then killed it, while the spider swarm paralyzed kirai, but thanks to the ikiryo, kirai would have died if the ikiryo wouldn't of red joker damage flipped on the swarm.

Turn six it was just finishing off Ramos crew. The Ramos player like I said before, was playing the corphyee for the first time. And I feel like his normal Ramos list playing ability is awesome. So they probably through off his game alittle. While the kirai player tried out a new list and found it to work out pretty well. I didn't play I just wanted to narrate a game.

Hope you like it.


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I'm glad you liked it. I too think the original way of battle reports can get old. And I like to write and have a very active imagination. So I watched two of my friends game and just narrated it. And got this, I figure ill post one up everyonce and awhile, just to get away from the old way.

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