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Photographing Minis


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Hello, all. I have been trying to take pictures of my models for a while now and keep running into a few problems. If I turn the flash on, the picture is far too bright. With the flash off, it is either too dark or blurry. I try and correct the blurriness by zooming in, but that doesn't seem to work.

If anyone has any suggestions or there's something obvious I'm missing, please let me know. Also, my camera's a Canon Powershot 880 if that helps

Thank you

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well, not really sure about your camera (i own pretty cheap powershot a590 is), but

1) are you using macro mode (usually has a flower icon)?

2) don't use flash, try setting up longer time of exposure (Tv mode on the wheel)

3) if you don't have decent ambient light, set up an lightbox http://www.wikihow.com/Create-an-Inexpensive-Photography-Lightbox

4) put your camera on tripod (or book?) and use (idk what's the correct english term) - delayed mode - you can set timer for 2 seconds, and then let it go of, while you are not holding it in your hands (no blur from shaking)

And there is already some thread about photographing on this forum - so search - with a lot of technical stuff :)

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