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Deja Vu All Over Again (Stupid Move of the Week #3)


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In an instance of shocking stupidity, I went and did the same thing all over again (ie: Purchased a D&D figure off eBay wiithout a proper idea of the scale).

In this instance, I was looking for alternate Flesh Construct figures for Dr. McMourning to create in-game, and I came accross this fellow:


I thought: "There's no way that guy can be too large to fit comfortably on a 40mm base, right...?"



"Ya better be nice to me, or my big brudder will mess ya up...!"

Of course, if one wanted to mount the Bersek Flesh Golem on a big wood chip rock, you could probably squeeze him onto a 40mm base OK, I've just been wanting to use the same Fenris resin bases for all of my McMourning figures.

Oh well, live and (don't) learn, apparently...

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If you or any others are still looking for alternate Flesh construcs - or a few other Malifaux mini's such as warpig or bad juju - check out the spinespur range.

Here are the potential flesh constructs. You would just have to place them on the correct base size.


Edited by Chucklemonkey
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