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Question about General Actions?

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On pg. 45 of the rulebook under General Actions the Search action has a cost of (all). My question is ; if a model able to use this action is subject to an effect that changes their AP can they still use this ability? Say Nicodem is effected by a Slow spell reducing his AP to 1. Can he still use (all ) his remaining AP for this action or does it mean (all) original AP. Also what about additional AP granted by melee or casting expert? Are these considered in the cost or are these AP outside the normal cost?

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This should propably be in the rules forum...

(all) Actions use up all your available AP. It doesn't matter what kind of AP reducing (except Paralyzed, as that prevents activating altogether) effects you're affected by, you can still use an (all) Action.

It uses up even your extra AP from Fast, Casting/Melee Expert and similar abilities. (all) really means that is all you get to do.

However, you should check the Errata. Search is now only for Scavengers as the Search Action was completely broken for Ressers (try to imagine 6 Canine Remains generating Counters, passing them to Nico who turns them into 3 Flesh Constructs a turn...). However, you can still gain corpses if you bring Mortimer to dig them up for you. He was much improved in the Errata, granting him the ability to cheat the Exhume flip. Or simply just kill some of your enemies for corpses.

It is also sometimes worth it to chop a 2 SS doggie for a corpse and turn it to something better, like a Punk Zombie.


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