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Miniature Representaion


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I read enough through the forums to realize that they're called.... Proxies. Some models with statblocks in the core rulebook do not have an official Wyrd Miniatures mini, such as the Doppleganger, or Student of Conflict.

I was wondering if the core rulebook went into details concerning proxy usage. I'm pretty sure I can casually use proxies quite freely, but I think every now and then, I may need to present rulebook justification for me using a Mindless Dead as my Doppleganger, or a Mindless Dead for my Student of Conflict.

Also, Games Workshop Daemonettes as Young Nephilim.

So, the question is, does the rulebook explore such things as using non-standard miniatures? What opinion does the Development team have on such matters?

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I can't recall anything about proxying in the rulebook aside from the "What you need" section mentioning Malifaux Models. With your buddies you can proxy anything as long as they are okay with it. In a tournament, if you happen to enter one, you might have to have the original models for those that have been released. It depends on the organizer.

Generally proxies are accepted as long as it is a proper representation of the original model. In that sense a Mindless Zombie might not be the best option for a Doppleganger or the Student of Conflict but there's not much point in buying a random model from another company to use as a proxy if you're going to buy the real models anyway when they are released.

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In that sense a Mindless Zombie might not be the best option for a Doppleganger or the Student of Conflict but there's not much point in buying a random model from another company to use as a proxy if you're going to buy the real models anyway when they are released.

There would be no point in buying, but spare minis would make neat place-holders until the Wyrd ones are released.

What would you suggest for Doppleganger or Student of Conflict? Both Wyrd and Non-Wyrd suggestions are welcome.

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There would be no point in buying, but spare minis would make neat place-holders until the Wyrd ones are released.

What would you suggest for Doppleganger or Student of Conflict? Both Wyrd and Non-Wyrd suggestions are welcome.

The Doppelganger is supposed to look human, but isn't. I'd probably represent one with one of the human Minion models already out, like a Ronin, just painted differently... maybe a stark white flesh tone with dark gray shading, black "mascara" and black-and-white clothes... like he/she just stepped out of a Tim Burton movie or going to a goth poetry slam.

The Student... huh. To quote Ned Flanders, that's a noodle-scratcher. It's a blank slate, a homonculus created by a Master, and its form will be determined by its learning about conflict, according to the book. The only thing that really leaps to mind are the "dolly armatures" available from Reaper. (Hate to pimp another company on the forum, but he did ask for non-Wyrd suggestions, after all.) They're meant for people to use as a base for their own scratch built stuff, but they have no facial details, can easily be converted as to hold weapons, etc.

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For the Tourneys I run I allow proxy models any unreleased models. I'm not overly anal about if they are Wyrd minis or not. As long as your opponent can clearly tell what the figure is.

About the only time I would object is if someone was abusing the system and somehow fielding almost an entire army of proxy models. But as long as most of his crew is official then I am okay if they proxy a model or two that might not be out yet.

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