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What Should I get?

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Okay I got with Dave T.O. (the HNIC) (Head Native Irishman Commander guy of the storefront we call LGS Giga) ;D

I went ahead and ordered Lady Justice, the Judge, and a deck. Rule book I have to wait on :'( ...

I am not sure what else I will run but I think these will be about where I want to start?

I want to find maybe 2 models that will give me some tricks, what kind of tricks? I am not certain, mainly because I am mostly unaware of what has is available.

Along with a couple of "trick type" / "buffing" models, I would like to add 2-3 / tough troops with good H2H and perhaps they could be pistoleers as well. If I can I would also like to add a BFG toting SOB (not sisters of Battle) (more like Supper Obama Black) does anyone have any solid ideas?

Also Lilith, as I hear is a Super beat stick as well, what are the major differences between her and Lady J? And If anyone has the patience maybe how she plays / interacts with troops, and for those really patient could you describe i general the different troop types available with in there faction?

I would also ask preferences of available troops for mercs, in reference to this post.

This may be the wrong place so I'll just start a new thread.

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Okay I got with Dave T.O. (the HNIC) (Head Native Irishman Commander guy of the storefront we call LGS Giga) ;D

I went ahead and ordered Lady Justice, the Judge, and a deck. Rule book I have to wait on :'( ...

I am not sure what else I will run but I think these will be about where I want to start?

I want to find maybe 2 models that will give me some tricks, what kind of tricks? I am not certain, mainly because I am mostly unaware of what has is available.

Along with a couple of "trick type" / "buffing" models, I would like to add 2-3 / tough troops with good H2H and perhaps they could be pistoleers as well. If I can I would also like to add a BFG toting SOB (not sisters of Battle) (more like Supper Obama Black) does anyone have any solid ideas?

Also Lilith, as I hear is a Super beat stick as well, what are the major differences between her and Lady J? And If anyone has the patience maybe how she plays / interacts with troops, and for those really patient could you describe i general the different troop types available with in there faction?

I would also ask preferences of available troops for mercs, in reference to this post.

This may be the wrong place so I'll just start a new thread.

First off there are no "troops" so to say, everythings acts on their own. For this I would get Witchling Stalkers. And the BFG I would get either Nino, or Samael Hopkins.

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The Guild has the least amount of special tricks of all the factions. However, they have the highest damage output in melee and ranged attack. No need for those tricks if your enemies are dead ;P. Lady Justice is propably the most straightforward Master in the game, being great in melee and her spells focusing mainly on buffing her allies. The Judge also fits this same theme. The other two Guild Masters have a bit less damage potential (both are great in this area still) but have a few more tricks up their sleeves.

If you want tricks, the most can propably be found among the Ortegas. Every model in the box is an unique figure with their own tricks: Francisco is a reliable melee and ranged fighter, Santiago gets more powerful when he gets hurt, Nino is a long range sniper and Papa is a walking time bomb. In addition, Samael Hopkins is a toolbox and also deadly at range.

For the tough melee units with some ranged support Death Marshals or Witchling are the best bet. Both are cheap, the marshals being more durable and better at shooting (and go well in theme with Lady J), while the Witchlings are more about melee and magic resistance. The Witchlings also blow up when killed, damaging nearby units. For pure melee power among Guild, the Executioner can't be beat.


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Cool ... cool, cool.

To start thank you guys!!!

As far as tricks ... I do like them but more so to give myself some flexibility. Lady J seems to put out a little more damage than Lilith, but Lilith has a bit more tactical range ... ?

How is the convict gunner, and the sniper sniper merc?

Also seems like the Witchling Stalkers are what is recommended the most here / so far?

again thanks so much guys!

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Cool ... cool, cool.

To start thank you guys!!!

As far as tricks ... I do like them but more so to give myself some flexibility. Lady J seems to put out a little more damage than Lilith, but Lilith has a bit more tactical range ... ?

How is the convict gunner, and the sniper sniper merc?

Also seems like the Witchling Stalkers are what is recommended the most here / so far?

again thanks so much guys!

Sorry for the Double post ... Just the forum is a bit more funky than I am use to.

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Lilith is a melee beatstick as well. She doesn't hit as hard as Lady J but is much more mobile (faster and ignores terrain), is much better at evading attacks and has a couple of very nice board control spells (such as creating a forest on the table). Lady J is a frontline fighter whom you throw straight at the enemy lines to slice things after she has buffed herself up. Lilith is more like an assassin who strikes exactly where it hurts the most.

Witchlings are indeed nice to have around. They're mobile and great in melee and are quaranteed to do some damage due to exploding when killed. They can also remove magic effects from models which can be crucial at times. However, they're in no way compulsory, like no model in this game is. Death Marshals should work just as well when you want some cheap grunts. Just pick whichever models you like best.

The Convict Gunslinger is a cheap and effective ranged option for any crew. If an enemy parks itself in the open in front of the gunslinger, it's going to be up for some serious hurt. He also has a handy board control spell.

Hans (the sniper) is quite similar to Nino Ortega. Hans is a bit more expensive of the two and is almost impossible to deny a shot at his target. He can also enhance his shots depending on the opposition. Nino is a bit more mobile, more accurate and can fire more shots with his repeating rifle. I'd say pick one or the other if you want but taking both could be a big risk since they're almost worthless if they get caught in melee.


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