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Where is the breach located?


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I always envisioned it in the Southwest United Sates. Think Bryce Canyon Utah, Monument Valley Arizona or Folsom Site New Mexico.

In the story in the main book it mentions people talking about the happenings of Malifaux in coffee shops in "New Amsterdam." I assume this city is referenced for a reason, but it is never mentioned specifically as the location of the breach.

It would make sense to me that the breach is the site of a booming city with all the trade and business from the railway. But maybe the guild doesn't want it that way and keeps the area desolate? Maybe it is in the middle of nowhere, as you say. (At least, I would consider most of Utah and New Mexico the middle of nowhere. If that offends anyone all I have to say to them is this: move out of the desert!)

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You are not the first questing traveler to ask this question:

Where is the Breach?

The answer I gave there was:

"It goes without saying that Wyrd Earth is different than the earth we know. That's obvious in the names used for places we know that are slightly different: New Amsterdam, Old London, Nippon, and The Three Kingdoms.

The Breach is located in the west, in what we would call California but is known only as The Frontier on Wyrd Earth."

In the first book, it was our decision to focus on the City of Malifaux. I think you will find that subsequent books will broaden that scope slowly so that you get a picture of what's happening not only on Wyrd Earth, but have a greater sense of the world Malifaux belongs to, as well.

The reason New Amsterdam is referenced in that passage is because if Malifaux is the extreme west end of East-West Steam Transit's main line, New Amsterdam is the extreme east end of it, both cities located on the same continent (though through The Breach of the Great Barrier.)

Edited by redstripe
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Thank you very much!

I wasn't sure if it was buried somewhere in Philip Tomber's journal in the main book and I was missing it or it had been left out intentionally for later books. I was thinking about maybe doing a short story for the writing section of the forum, so I was curious. Although, the more I think about it, the less it seems to matter. There's plenty of creativity to be had without referencing Earthside.

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