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Tron - oh the awesomeness


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So my wife was able to get us into the inaugural D23 event at the Anaheim Convention Center this past weekend. If you're a Disney fan, you should consider joining the D23 club. The convention was awesome with tons of stuff for big and little kids to do. One slick thing was on the 3rd floor they had showcases of stuff for upcoming releases like Christmas Carol with Jim Carey this fall, Alice in Wonderland props from the Tim Burton version coming out, and these images (sorry for the quality, cellphone camera). They did a life size mockup of the new style lightcycle for the show, as well as several storybord/concept artworks for scenes. The entire settng looks like something from a Shadowrun Matrix adventure (in a good way). Really dark, really awesome. The new disc fight arena is awesome (but my phone ate that blurry image). Can't Wait!






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As I've mentioned elsewhere: the original was really grounded on its (for the time) amazing special effects. But these days, their special effects are, well, run of the mill. Yes, the visuals could help carry it, but it will be the story that will determine how big a hit this is. Which is funny, considering the, um, adequate story of the original.

That being said, fingers crossed the sequel delivers.

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