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Chaos45 crews


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Well here are my first 3 starters painted will post 3 slightly better close ups in the next post.

I dont paint to win prizes just to for good table + as I have way to many minis to spend a couple days on one fig.

Took me 3 days after work to paint up Lady J, and Lillith crews and the kids from pandora

Next week I did the ghasts, pandora, and 3 wichlings from criid in about 2 evenings of painting. Should have criid and an a ressurrectionist crew done by next weekend.




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Ya the close up pics didnt come out to well due to the camera flash making them look glossy and abit blurry on the Lady J close up.

Not the best camera man lol, need to figure out the option to turn the flash off and it would prolly help.

As I usually do gloss clear coat, then 2 dull coats over to take off most of the shine and still keep the models very protected for table play. Without clear coats the paints even with primer undercoat come off very quickly so I prolly overdue it alittle...but I hate repainting chips and scratches.

Ya for the Lady J crew I figure like a wild west look thus the standard brown dusters and blue jeans on the whole crew with J and the judge having worn stone washed looking jeans lol.

Honestly of all the models Lady J and Lillithe alone prolly took as much time to paint as everything else in the 3 crews. Those 2 models are very detailed and to make them look nice took quite abit of time to bring out all of the little details. Pandora and the kids took some time as well but not to the same extent.

Used to painting on the old confrontation metals so its really nice to have a company with a good game putting out quality metals again for me to paint up and use.

Edited by chaos45
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