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Rackham - AT43 Warcog Prowler preview and some insane other shots...

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I have never faced such fascinating machines. If I were not immortal, I think I could even…yes…fear them! When faced with only a single one of these machines, my golems are utterly outmatched, destroyed with astonishing speed. A single .combat_strider/prowler can easily handle a standard group of golems…no matter the type. A volley at close range…my losses reach 0.66 in 62.47% of cases, and even rise to 0.8333 in 26.7% of cases… My only consolation is that a single .combat_strider/prowler is not a threat to my enveloped body, at least not from its first salvo! I believe that my AFV technology surpasses it, with the exception of .golgoth/Hekat. I long to capture a .combat_strider/prowler and analyze it…and, if possible, replicate it!

The Cogs have arrived. It has been rumored for quite some time… Now U.N.A. spies have managed to obtain this photograph of a Prowler as it nears the end of its production line, prior to receiving its regulatory paint. Here is the document that men of merit, such as the Honorable Ambassador C. Wardin, risked their life to obtain! You are now the last hope for humanity: may it continue to live a free and independent life.

The Cogs’ project, including the Prowler as one of the actors, is to transform every living being, which contains DNA, into a living gene bank. For the moment, the Cogs’ war with the Therians and Karmans has contained them. However, these images display the threat that is soon to be released onto the universe. Do not believe for one second that this is an anecdotal picture. It definitively proves that the Cog war machine has been started. An armada of machines that know no pity, similar to the Prowler, is about to enter the war!



And the insane stuff:


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I admit, I dod not like the AT43 "stuff" until just a few months ago. Rackham has definitely "up-ed" the level of design and execution over the last 6 months with the entire line.

Now if they would just do something about the Karman's color scheme.

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