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Hell Dorado french game

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Xenon Wulf: Sorry about that Dude - stream of consciousness it was....

Distribution wasn't the problem (my LGS stocked them as soon as they were released) - the problem was that I really wanted to buy La Voyageuse (the one with the kukri) and couldn't coz she was Limited Edition. Her being my favorite mini from the line, if I can't get her, why should I buy anything less?

As a semi-completist, why get into buying minis from a line when you know from the beginning that you won't be able to buy them all?

LE minis really push my rant button and really disappoint me, but this was intended to be an explanation for why I don't really follow or buy this line, when I certainly would have otherwise ... just so you know, for whatever it's worth [= 0].

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As a semi-completist, why get into buying minis from a line when you know from the beginning that you won't be able to buy them all?

LE minis really push my rant button and really disappoint me, but this was intended to be an explanation for why I don't really follow or buy this line, when I certainly would have otherwise ... just so you know, for whatever it's worth [= 0].

Yeah, that I can understand - I've wheeled and dealed for a number of Rackham's LE figs over the years.

On the other hand, game-wise, The Voyageuse is just another mini and doesn't break the game like some LE's I can think of...

And before you ask, no, I don't have an original sculpt of The Voyageuse - I did get the new one, but that was only because one of the authors was pretty cool and handed one to the Asmodee booth staff who were into minis last Gencon.

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