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New race for Babylon 5 - The Gaim

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The Gaim Intelligence has always had a touch of a mystery. The decisions of their centuries-old Queens from within the hive-cities of N’Chak’fa are enigmatic and sometimes without obvious rhyme or reason. Their hive-mind connects them in ways that no other species can boast, and it gives them tremendous solidarity as a species. When an idea rips through their ranks on empathic-pheromone receptors, it is as if they all understand it as their own. Unified and loyal under the Queens, the Gaim are truly alien.

After joining the League and learning of others’ starships through buying and salvaging commonplace hulls from their neighbours and peers, the Gaim began secretly building their own style of vessels using their mastery of biological and architectural sciences. These new hulls, seeing only service on small excursions along local protected jump routes and asteroid fields, saw use after the majority of their ‘borrowed’ fleet was wiped out during the Shadow War. The Gaim withdrew into itself to rebuild, staying apprised of galactic affairs, but not involving themselves.

Upon joining the ISA, young Queens were dispatched to the stars on specially-crafted ships, and many of the bloated insectoids were taken to the homeworlds of their peers. The fleets of the Gaim Queens were akin to honour guards, massive vessels filled with bulkheads and reinforced tubing to pack hundreds of crew drones and deadly bio-engineered warriors into tight rooms and important levels. These ships sailed on biologically-fuelled plasma, allowing the Gaim to fill their ships with their natural methane atmospheres without fear of rupture or explosion by sparking fusion engines.

Why exactly the Gaim Intelligence have chosen to leave their planet to seek others is a mystery to the entire galaxy. What is known is that a young Queen landed on Earth a week before the Drakh attacked and poisoned it in 2266. The Queen, her retinue and all of the hatchling grubs were specifically susceptible to the virus and died violently in just a few days. Ever since, even the High Queens have been on the move, their gigantic hive-ships soaring through hyperspace toward some unknown and terrifying end…

Gaim Intelligence Fleet Box Set



Series: Call to Arms

Price: $99.95

Shipping date: 10th September 2007

In order to protect the number of Queens flying through the galaxy, the Gaim designed high-science versions of their oldest weaponry to fit to the newest vessels of their fleet. Continuing to use older particle-throwing scatterguns as defence turrets, they modified the firing capacity on larger models to emit laser energy at a similar rate. This new gatling laser vomits a stream of staccato fire faster than the eye can track, almost making it seem like a single constant beam of coherent light. In a similar vein, the old and unreliable packet torpedoes were filled with positively-charged reactive masses instead of the formerly negative ones. Instead of detonating in shards of destructive energy, the bomb fills an area of space with electron-stripping photons at significant ranges – almost assuredly eliminating small craft and fighters. The most interesting and powerful aspect of the Gaim fleets on the move is the use of manned-missiles. Drone pilots are easy to hatch and created to be disposable, so whether they are trying to bring bio-plasma emitters to bear on a target or setting their reactor to overload before burying themselves in the enemy’s hull, they are nothing more than another asset to be spent at the Queens’ whim.

This massive box set contains everything you need to start your Gaim domination of the galaxy! It contains;

1 Shrutaa Queen Battleship

1 Shaakak Queen Cruiser

3 Skrunnka Assault Ships

4 Sataaka Gunships

8 Flights of Klikkita Light Fighters

8 Flights of Klikkitak Suicide Fighters

Gaim Klikkita Light Fighter


Series: Call to Arms

Price: $11.95

Shipping date: 10th September 2007

Small but possessing a powerful plasma reactor subsystem, the Klikkita is crewed by a single drone. Super agile and utterly expendable, Klikkitas are kept dormant in their motherships on massive racks until activated. When released, they create a swarm that is almost impossible to penetrate. If threatened by larger vessels, the Klikkita can overload its reactor, turning it into an extremely powerful crewed missile.

This blister pack contains four flights of fighters.

Gaim Klikkitak Crewed Missile


Series: Call to Arms

Price: $11.95

Shipping date: 10th September 2007

Once the Klikkita overloads its reactor, it becomes a deadly weapon, a missile crewed by a drone who has no thought but to give its life for the Queens. Known as the Klikkitak in this configuration, the drone’s only thought is to guide its craft through heavy fire in order to directly impact into the hull of an enemy warship.

This blister pack contains four flights of fighters.

Gaim Sataaka Gunship


Series: Call to Arms

Price: $15.95

Shipping date: 10th September 2007

A common fighting vessel in Gaim fleets, the role of the Shataaka is to provide a forward screen behind the fighter fleets, intercepting any enemy capital ships that roam too close to the Queens. It is well armed for such a slight vessel.

Gaim Shaakak Queen Light Cruiser


Series: Call to Arms

Price: $15.95

Shipping date: 10th September 2007

A mid-ranged warship, Shaakaks are often deployed in small makeshift squadrons to support a single Shrutaa, though they will also be found leading small strike forces against the enemies of the Gaim. Heavily defended and usually well supported, tackling a Shaakak can be a tricky proposition.

Gaim Shrutaa Queen Battleship


Series: Call to Arms

Price: $19.95

Shipping date: 10th September 2007

Most commonly seen commanding Gaim war fleets, the Shrutaa is a solid warship, built to protect the Queen inside as she directs the entire battle. Its place is not at the frontline, however, as the Shrutaa relies on its swarming fighters and long-ranged photon bombs to keep enemies at bay.

Gaim Shuuka Queen Light Cruiser


Series: Call to Arms

Price: $11.95

Shipping date: 10th September 2007

Young Queens rarely have the opportunity to command fleets of their own and are instead usually used to support older Queens in managing over-sized fleets. Occasioanlly, one or more Shuukas will be seen leading a small expeditionary force into enemy territory.

Gaim Skrunnka Assault Ship


Series: Call to Arms

Price: $15.95

Shipping date: 10th September 2007

Designed to batter through defences and launch shuttles filled with vicious assault drones, be it at an enemy ship or enemy-held world, the Skrunnka is tough and can weather the most devastating attacks. It lacks a wide range of offensive weaponry, leading the Queens to wield its legion of assault drones as they would any other ranged system.

Gaim Stak Scouts


Series: Call to Arms

Price: $11.95

Shipping date: 10th September 2007

Often the first sight a visitor to Gaim space will be greeted with, the Stak is used to routinely patrol the border of Gaim worlds. In wartime, groups of Stak will work together as they cross into enemy held systems, cataloguing defences and fleet compositions, throwing photon bombs to cause confusion if forced to retreat.

This blister pack contains two Stak Scouts.

Gaim Stuteeka War Carrier


Series: Call to Arms

Price: $11.95

Shipping date: 10th September 2007

The largest warship without a Queen in the Gaim fleet, the Stuteeka is weakly armoured and in need of constant protection. However, its massive hangers house racks upon racks of Klikkitas, ready to launch within minutes and overwhelm the enemy in sheer numbers.

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