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Lorna the Huntress


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This mini was mostly used for experimenting with some different things:

1. I got some flow improver and tried several different recipes. That’s why some areas appear slightly different than others (smooth, not so smooth, etc). I finally settled on two that I like a lot.

2. Gem work and freehand. Since she has a gem, I decided to give it a try. Not sure about the results, but the first time I did skin it didn’t turn out right, either. I didn’t want to get too elaborate with the tattoo, so I drew up a quick design that I was pretty sure I could do.

3. Painting technique. I wanted to get a better understanding of layering and how to thin my paints. Her cloak and leg band are the best examples of what I did. They’re not actually purple (well, they are, but that’s not how I painted them). I gave them a basecoat of blue, and then went over them with a very thin coat of red. The idea was that if it came out too red, then I wasn’t thinning it enough; too blue and it was too thin.

For the most part, I was pretty close to the right mix, so it came out as the purple color. After that, I used blues for the shadows and reds for the highlights, always keeping the paint thin enough to let the under colors show through. Most people probably already know this and how to do it, but it might be helpful for my fellow newbies and it was extremely helpful to me.

Definitely a learning experience all around.


Comments, advice and constructive criticism always welcome, of course.

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