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NEWS: The Figure Trader 40mm Medieval Skirmish game

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The Figure Trader unleashed a 40mm medieval skirmish game called "Vanguard Men at Arms"

Vanguard men at arms is a new core rule set from the talented Stephen Danes.

Vanguard is a set of wargames rules designed to allow players to recreate the countless smaller actions and petty wars that make up the vast majority of encounters between enemy forces in the medieval period. Players can control a dozen or more soldiers in fast and bloody clashes with their opponent as they try and raid, ravage and wreak havoc in enemy territory.

The Vanguard rules are based around a system of variable initiative which injects a high degree of uncertainty into the sequence of play; this reflects the confusing and rapidly changing nature of warfare at this level. Each soldier has its own initiative value from which all of the rule mechanics suspend and so the rules themselves, although detailed become very fast to use and after a few games require little referral back to the charts and tables of the rule book. The speed of the rule mechanics adds to the excitement of the game and allows players to deal with developing situations on the battlefield rather than spending time looking up factors.

Fast game play

Each skirmish game lasts between 1-2 hours, the rules are easy to learn and flow naturally. Based on a single initiative or ability number for each figure there are no stats to maintain for each figure, so the only charts you will have to look at are for combat effects.

Everything you need to play in one boxed set

Vanguard men at arms rules will be available in a starter set or in a full rule version, these will come in boxed sets with a number of figures and the dice to get you started right out the box.

Vanguard men at arms figures

our growing range of 40mm medieval figures is now available from our webshop here. We will be adding a minimum of 3 new figures to the medieval range every month, though usually far more. As the range expands we will include as many of the varied troop types from the period as possible, as well as other special characters and army types.

Figures also available pre painted

All the vanguard figures will be available pre painted, these should be available soon, watch our shop here or join our email newsletter here for more details.







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