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WWII Mecha

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West Wind Miniatures blog has some pics of some alternate history WWII models...

OK , OK I know I said that the WWII mechas would be out for Historicon so sorry about that , sometimes events over take us. Anyhow the first 5 of the range called Secrets of the Third Reich will be out in September these are the German mech, the US mech, the British RAT Air landing mecha , the Battlemaster APC ( now a British vehicle) and the british Battlemaster Recon.

After that Im working on German Panzermech Grenadiers in body armour and armed with a new automatic rifle Mk2 Ghwer . The British get body armour and the new Assaullt Bren. The Americans get Armoured infantry new versions of the Thompson and a new Browning Assuallt rifle.We have just recieved a new German Super heavy tank from the desinger, at the moment were calling it the Tiger III , its a big beast with a long 88.

For Berlin or Bust we have Civilians for France and new Platoon packs containing brand new figures not old stuff repackaged , these all come with seperate heads so a little assembly require but the variety is great. Platoons for Germany 1944 British 1944 Russian and American 1944 will be out first.

Anyhow enough blah blah heres some piccies of the Jet mecha.






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