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Rezolution starting to rule...


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Rezolution minis have been hit or miss for me. But the latest stuff I see is pretty damn cool...

for instance...

The upcoming Hitomi


Apac Ninja's


and the bizarre looking Ronin Fiddler....Might be time to start looking closer at some of these....I like them all, plus more.


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Some of the ninja look cool. I wish for bigger pics. I'd especially like to get a better look a bell-bottom ninja girl.

p.s. I've said before: usually not impressed with their humans but their robots and aliens are super.

Far be it from me to correct you Sir Vince, but I believe you made that statement about AlphaForge minis....
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Doh! my mistake. I saw the pic here and thought it was similar.

To a degree I stand by it though.

Having now thoroughly examined the Rezolution line I will say there is some utter crap and some gold nuggets. The non-humans I still think are best, but there are some super cool humans in there too.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The quality of the rezolutions minis is really starting to shine now. I was 'so-so' about pretty much every release apart from this most recent batch. Their mecha are looking great and so is anything that seems remotely japanese/manga inspired.

The mecha that Marijn posted looks awesome!

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