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NEWS: Dark Age Games - New Forsaken


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Following the success of our Genesis Releases, we will be releasing not one, not two, but three new Forsaken Warband boxes to start your own Crusade with in January. Each box includes six models; a Unit Leader and five warriors. But especially exciting is that the Bane and Strike boxes each come with a Special Edition mini, exclusive to these boxsets! These boxes are available now for only US $26.99 each.

DAG1107 Forsaken Bane Warband

Easily the most numerous of all of the Forsaken battle units, the Bane are the core close combat shock troops in the Forsaken Armies. They are the first to join the fray in most conflicts, and their casualty rate is one of the highest in the Army, not because of their skill, but because of their tactical role. A single blow from one of their vicious maces is enough to knock many opponents from their feet immediately, and they are adept at using both ends of the two-headed instrument in whirling attacks that deliver multiple blows with a single swing. The uniform of the Bane consists of an armored suit that is among the hardiest of all the Forsaken troops. Their flowing capes and unique helmets are their badge of honor, the signature marks of their corps, and each Bane wears his or hers proudly in the knowledge that they are the backbone of their Army.


DAG1108 Forsaken Coil Warband

The Coil are the most commonly appearing ranged weaponry troop in the Forsaken Armies. Although their primary strategic purpose is to attack from a distance, the Coil are far from helpless if mired in melee combat. They each bear a vicious mace referred to as Morning Sticks for occasions in which their Coil Launchers are no longer practical.


DAG1109 Forsaken Strike Warband

The most skilled of the Forsaken Troops may find themselves promoted to the Strike corps. Strike are without a doubt the most fearsome of all the squad-based corps in the Forsaken Armies, and for good reason. Each Strike wields a massive two-handed broadsword, a beautifully crafted weapon forged to the highest standards. For those enemies that manage to move in close enough to a Strike to be safe from the broad strokes of his sword, they are also armed with viciously spiked gauntlets on each hand.


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I'm sorry to say I'm put off by these sets.

My main problem is that they are almost all doing the same thing.

It's particularly obvious with the "coil" band as they are all but one facing to the left and raising their left arm (one only half-raised but still...)

Something really interesting must be happening off frame that they are all looking and pointing at.

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Hmm...that is an interesting observation, vince. But, if they are a squad in battle, shouldn't they be facing in the same direction in order to focus their efforts as a squad? In Dark Age, technology is very unreliable and the Coil's discs are no exception. To bring down any significant foe, they do need to concentrate their fire.

I must admit your comment did cause me a chuckle though, thanks.

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Dark Age rules !

Ok, so I'm part of a demo team, but this game really rocks !

These box sets are ideal for those who want to start gaming quickly and as such their release is welcome.

Personnally, I have 90% of the Forsaken figures and then some...cause I like the design based on artwork from Brom and the top notch level of sculpting.

What I'm really waiting for is the next rulebook St Mary vs Skarrd due sometime in January.

Cheers !

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