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Painted some dog adventurers

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I'm a total newbie, so I apologize if I miss any forum rules. (I'm trying to get to the 10 posts so that I can see the gallery for the Flowers & Showers contest.)

But here's a mini diorama I made for my dad for his birthday. It's his two dogs and my dog together as adventurers. It's my first time trying a multi-figure diorama with so much scenery, so I'm happy for comments & critiques!

Dog Adventurers.jpg

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On 6/1/2022 at 3:32 AM, menageriemorgan said:

I'm a total newbie, so I apologize if I miss any forum rules. (I'm trying to get to the 10 posts so that I can see the gallery for the Flowers & Showers contest.)

But here's a mini diorama I made for my dad for his birthday. It's his two dogs and my dog together as adventurers. It's my first time trying a multi-figure diorama with so much scenery, so I'm happy for comments & critiques!

Dog Adventurers.jpg

Newbie to the game perhaps, but definitely not newb to the miniature painting! O_O These figures look absolutely adorable and you wield a stunning brushmanship, the setting is really well made! Did you make the tree as well? May I ask where the models are from? I'm looking for some side paintjobs and am a sucker for cute anthro creatures. :)

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On 01.06.2022 at 08:32, menageriemorgan said:

Я абсолютный новичок, поэтому прошу прощения, если пропущу какие-то правила форума. (Я пытаюсь добраться до 10 постов, чтобы увидеть галерею конкурса «Цветы и дожди».)

А вот мини-диораму я сделала папе на день рождения. Это две его собаки и моя собака вместе, как искатели приключений. Я впервые пробую многофигурную диораму с таким количеством декораций, поэтому буду рад комментариям и критике!

Авантюристы с собаками.jpg

Cool! Very good composition. Great gift)

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@Adrian Bell Oh, hello, fellow new-forum-member! 😁


@DemiMurgos Aww, thank you so much, I can't tell you how much that means to me!! 😊 

I did make the tree! The trunk is a stick I found in my backyard. I wrapped it in wire to form the branches and covered those in milliput to blend them in with the stick. And the foliage is craft moss from Michael's.

The models are from DarkSword Miniatures. They're really nice pewter miniatures AND they've got a huge line of adorable anthropomorphic animals, so you're in luck! Here's the link: Dark Sword Critter Kingdoms Line.


@Dench Thank you very much! 😄

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