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3 round, 50ss tournament September 16, 2017 @ South Bend, Indiana


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Malifaux Tournament

Date: September 16, 2017

Place: Fantasy Games 52025 State Route 933 South Bend, IN 46637

Time: Registration 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT. 1st round starts at 12:45pm EDT (see below for full schedule)

Entry Fee: $10

Player Limit: 16.  To reserve your spot, please post in wyrd forums, facebook event, or PM.  Spots reserved on first come basis.

Encounter Size: 50ss, fixed faction.  Wave 5 (Broken Promises) is permitted.

Painting Requirement and Proxy/Conversions: All models must be painted and based.  Proxy/Conversion must follow guidelines posted in Gaining Grounds 2017 and are subject to TO approval.

Scoring:  TP/Diff/VP

Prize Support: 1st place: Custom trophy, store credit worth 50% of total entry fees paid, Certificate, 3-point guilder, and 1st choice from prize pool.  2nd place: Custom trophy, store credit worth 25% of total entry fees paid, Certificate, 1-point guilder, and 2nd choice from prize pool. 3rd place: Custom trophy, Store credit worth 25% of total entry fees paid, Certificate, 1-point guilder, and 3rd choice from prize pool. 4th-16th places: 1-point guilder and choice from prize pool by rank. Best Painted: 1-point guilder, and 4th pick from prize pool.  Prize pool will include: small mystery boxes, large mystery boxes, special stat card, special crew boxes, and LE models. 

Event Schedule (all times EDT):

12:00pm-12:30pm: Registration

12:45pm-2:45pm: Round 1. Last turn will be called at 2:20pm.

3:00pm-5:00pm: Round 2 Last turn will be called at 4:20pm.

5:00-5:30pm: Dinner Break

5:45pm-7:45pm: Round 3 Last turn will be called at 6:50pm.

8:00pm: Awards


Round 1: 

Deployment: Flank

Strategy: Extraction

Scheme Pool: Claim Jump, Eliminate the Leadership, Frame for Murder, Recover Evidence, Mark for Death


Round 2:

Deployment: Corner

Strategy: Interference

Scheme Pool: Claim Jump, Accusation!, Leave Your Mark, Hunting Party, Tail ‘Em


Round 3:

Deployment: Standard

Strategy: Headhunter

Scheme Pool: Claim Jump, Dig Their Graves, Accusation!, Show of Force, Set Up



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