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[ITALY] M2E Tournament in Verona "Bloody Red September"


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Hi all!

On september, sunday the 10th, there will be an Official Malifaux2E Tournament in Verona, Italy

When? From 9:30 am to 6:40 pm

Where? Associazione Ludica Scaligera, Piazza della Vittoria 10, Parona di Valpolicella, Verona - Italy

How much? 10€ each

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Tournament Format:

3 Encounters based on Gaining Grounds 2017 Strategies&Schemes

50ss Fixed Faction

2 Proxy admitted, NO models or Upgrade from Broken Promises.


1st, 2nd, 3rd place, PLUS best 3-2-1-0 encounter winning player, PLUS last place standing, PLUS Promo Cards for Best Arcanist and Best Gremlin/Ten Thunder Player, PLUS Best Farmer Prize :D

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- Strategy: Interference (Masks)
- Deployment: Flank
- Schemes: Claim Jump (always), Frame for Murder (Rams), Eliminate the Leadership (doubles), Hidden Trap (5), A Quick Murder (12)

- Strategy: Headhunter (Tomes)
- Deployment: Standard
- Schemes: Claim Jump (always), Dig Their Graves (Crows), Leave Your Mark (Tomes), Search the Ruins (8), Last Stand (13)

- Strategy: Extraction (Rams)
- Deployment: Close
- Schemes: Claim Jump (always), Frame for Murder (Rams), Accusation! (Masks), Recover Evidence (6), Inspection (11)

A special prize will be awarded to "Best Farmer of the Tournament", who gained most Reaping Points (RP) during the event in the following way:

- Enemies Killed: 3 RP for Master, 2 RP for Henchman/Enforcer, 1 RP for Minion
- Scheme Marker which granted Victory Points: 2 RP for each Scheme Marker successfully used for VP

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