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Magnet Depth

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I'm not 100% certain this is the correct forum for this; if I am mistaken, I apologize. I am just starting out magnetizing my collection for ease and safety of transport. A lot of people recommend 1.5 mm magnets for the 30 mm bases. I'm having trouble finding 1.5 mm magnets because most of the stores I look at list things in inches. 1 mm is 1/32 of an inch. 2 mm is 1/16 of an inch. Some people say that 50 mm bases have a 2.5 mm depth and thus a 3 mm magnet won't work, others say 3 mm (1/8 of an inch) works just fine. I can find magnets based on these measurements. I can't find anything in between. Can someone please link to a 1.5 mm magnet (or does it even matter; will a 1 mm work just fine)? Also, if anyone has any cases they recommend, I would love to hear about them. I purchased a three drawer plastic tub over the weekend that will fit a particular size cookie sheet just right but it is a cumbersome way to transport miniatures. I have been using Battlefoam but larger miniatures like the emissaries and Jorogomu are giving me problems, even with three inch pluck foam and there have been several occasions where parts of a miniature have broken off because of the pressure of the foam against the piece. I've looked at A-Case (and their new Kickstarter is very impressive), but it seems too small to hold very many miniatures, especially 50 mm in size. Thank you for your help and suggestions ;-) 


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Since miniature height is not a game-balancing thing in this game, internal magnets aren't necessary; I just bought a 3mx25mm magnet tape strip from a store and glued pieces directly to the bottom. Of all my miniatures.

As far as a storage solution... I actually had to make my own, with 1x2 risers glued to the cookie sheets and magnets placed on top of said risers so they would cling to each other.

These are my D&D miniatures (and tell me if the picture doesn't work):


It's like... my quantity of minis was overwhelming my storage space and I wanted a way to organize, store, and easily transport them. That's a stack of 9 trays, and it's perfectly stable.

I'm not sure what I'd use for risers in a small scale project, I actually cut up four or five 1x2 boards to make me about 40 trays like these.  It was worth the time spent IMHO, but at a smaller scale... Anything about 2.5-3" tall and at least 1"x2" surface area would work.

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Thanks everyone for the advice. RC, I followed your link and picked up some magnets. Iamafanboy, that is one hell of a storage rack. Very impressive. I might have to look into risers like that for my cookie sheets. Lonewolf, what do you use to transport your minis? Same question for you, RC.

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I went Meijer's and bought a few 9" x 13" baking pans that have a plastic lid that attaches to the lip of the pan. The lid has a handle built into it. I think I paid around 5$ apiece for them. I can carry any models that I have in them with 3 exceptions. Those being, the Rail Golem and the Shadow and Lucky Emissaries. Those, I attach to the side of the pan. And on those I have bigger magnets in the bases. 

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6 hours ago, Renegade Cabbage said:

I went Meijer's and bought a few 9" x 13" baking pans that have a plastic lid that attaches to the lip of the pan. The lid has a handle built into it. I think I paid around 5$ apiece for them. I can carry any models that I have in them with 3 exceptions. Those being, the Rail Golem and the Shadow and Lucky Emissaries. Those, I attach to the side of the pan. And on those I have bigger magnets in the bases. 

That's a good idea! Do they stack easily? I might have to point my friend in that direction and check for them at a local store.

I was thinking I'd have to magnetize LCB's waist and store him in two halves if I wanted him on my trays. Fortunately that isn't the case, he's juuust barely short enough to fit, but it is a worry. You can break them down somewhat just because of the innumerable parts which often make up a Malifaux mini.

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They stack up super easy. The lids are flat and the handle is recessed in the lid. On one of the lids I glued about 10 1/2 x 1/8 rare earth magnets on the outside.  That way I can carry 2 pans at the same time. You just need to be a little gentle if you do this. Those magnets can only do so much to counter the laws of physics. I learned that lesson the hard way.

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