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The White Elephant in the Room


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The White Elephant in the Room league

Location: The Game Shoppe 4014 n 144th St Omaha, Ne 68116

Date: November 28th through December 19th

Time: Gaming starts 6:00 pm

Cost: Each player must purchase and turn in one $11 M2E Malifaux plastic miniature (see below for details)


The holidays are almost here! What better way to celebrate than with Malifaux and a gift exchange. Here is how the league works: In order to enter the league, one must purchase a M2E Malifaux plastic model that cost $11, no more, no less. This model must be turned in before you can join. The model must be left with myself on Monday nights. Once turned in, players will be randomly paired up each other to play a special holiday themed story encounter. A win will earn a player 3 Steal markers, a lose with 1 Steal marker, and a draw will give both players 1 Steal marker. At the end of the league on Dec 19th after the last encounter, there will be a white elephant themed gift exchange with the models that everyone bought. Starting with the lowest score of the league, players will pick a model they like and keep it or cash in Steal markers to take another player’s model. Should be a great time for all!  

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I posted up the encounters the year before and almost forgot to do it this year. This is the one from day one. Enjoy

The Iron Giant

Suggested by Lauren

In the badlands just outside the city, sightings have been coming in of a giant construct. Larger than anything construct ever seen. No one knows who built it, but everyone wants it for their faction. The thing they don’t know is, the giant will decide for itself who it will join.

Set up

Place one 50mm Iron Giant marker in the center of the table. The Iron Giant marker is a Ht 10, blocking, impassible. Any models in this encounter may take the following special upgrades: Landslide, Espresso, and Superman.


Corner Deployment


Any time a model declares an Attack Action against an enemy model, the Iron Giant marker will attack that model with an “Advanced Weapon” attack. The opposing player will make a 4 / 6 / 10 damage flip, which can’t be cheated or modified by abilities.

All models in this encounter gain the following Ability:

“You don’t have to be a gun: this model may discard a card to stop the Iron Giant marker from making an Advanced Weapon attack. “

During the Upkeep Phase, the Iron Giant marker will move 5” towards the closest scrap marker or construct. If the Iron Giant marker moves into base contact with either target, remove it from the encounter.


At the end of every turn, if at least one of your models used the “You don’t have to be a gun” Ability, gain 1 VP. If at the end of any turn, you declared no Attack Action against enemy models, gain 1 VP. You may gain more than 10 VP in this encounter.


The Upgrades:


Cost: 2 ss

Discard this upgrade while within 1” of an enemy model. The target model gains the following condition for the rest of the encounter.

“IBS: When this model activates, it generates 1 less AP. “


Rare 1



Cost: 2 ss

Discard this upgrade at the start of this model’s activation to gain the following condition until it is removed or the start of Turn 5.

“I said, I’m hip: When this model activates, it generates 1 more AP. This model may not take the Focus action.”


Non-Master, Rare 2



Cost: 3 ss

This model gains the following Ability:

You are what you chose to be: This model gains all the special rules and counts as a Master model.


Rare 1, Enforcer only

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This was the second encounter from yesterday. 

A Christmas Story

Suggested by Brian, Harley Dan, and Mike


Life in Malifaux is tough for children, but not all have it that bad. Many belong to loving families that keep them safe and sound. This does not mean they don’t still want more. Such is the story of a boy named Ralphie. For all he has, there is one thing he wants more than anything. He is willing to get help from anyone willing to listen.


Set Up

Place one 30mm Ralphie marker in the center of the table. This marker is ht 1, Blocking, Impassible. Any model in this encounter may purchase the following Upgrades for this encounter: Decoder Ring, Major Award, and Red Ryder Carbine Action 200-shot Range Model air rifle with a compass in the stock and "this thing which tells time"






When certain actions are taking during this encounter, models will gain Conditions based on the action. These Conditions last for the rest of the encounter.

After succeeding a Ca Action, gain the following Condition: “Oh fudge +1: Reduce this model’s Ca stats by 1 for each +1 on this condition.”

After resolving a Sh Action, gain the following Condition: “You’ll shoot your eye out +1: This model suffers 1 damage. Reduce all ranges on this model’s Actions by 1 for each +1 on this condition, to a minimum of 1”.”

After succeeding a Ml Action, gain the following Condition: “Scut Farkus Affair +1: Reduce this model’s Ml stats by 1 for each +1 on this condition.”

Models in this encounter all gain the following Ability:

“I triple dog dare you!: Once during an Activation, this model may flip a card to force an enemy model within 6” to take a legal (1) Action of this model’s controller’s choice, after this model’s activation. The enemy model performs the Action.”



At the end of each Turn, a Crew earns 1 VP if it has at least one model within 6" of the Ralphie Marker. Models with the “You’ll shoot your eye out” condition, do not count for scoring. At the end of every Turn, after scoring VP, the First player places the Ralphie Marker into base contact with the model with the highest soulstone cost within the 6” scoring area. You may gain more than 10 VP in this encounter.


The Upgrades:

Red Ryder Carbine Action 200-shot Range Model air rifle with a compass in the stock and "this thing which tells time"

Cost: 3 ss

If the model with this upgrade is able to score a VP for the encounter, gain +1 VP.

This model gains the following Attack Action:

Red Rider ( Sh 4 / Rst Df / Rg: gun 8) Target suffers 0 / 1 / 1 damage and gains the following Condition for the rest of the game: “You’ll shoot your eye out. +1”


Rare 1


Decoder Ring

Cost: 2 ss

This model gains the following Ability:

Drink your Ovaltine: If an enemy model cheats a card in a duel with this model, this model gains the following bonus to its total based on the suit cheated.

Crow, Tome: +1 Mask: +2 Rams: +3


Non Leader, Rare 1


Major Award

Cost: 2 ss

Discard this upgrade to place a 30mm Leg Lamp marker within 1” of this model. The Leg Lamp marker is Impassable. Any model that starts or ends its Activation within 4” of the Leg Lamp marker, must pass a Wp 13 duel. If failed, the model ends its Activation.


Rare 1


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