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Milwaukee Henchman Hardcore Tournament Feb. 20


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Board Game Barrister - Bayshore Town Center

Feb. 20th Sat.
Check in 10am
Start 10:30am
Fee - TBA
Henchman Hardcore
Henchman Hardcore is different from standard Malifaux in the following ways:
• All Crews must be led by a Henchman, not a Master.
• The game size is 20 Soulstones.
• All Crews must contain exactly 4 models, no more, no less.
• Upgrades may be purchased, as allowed by the standard rules of Malifaux.
• The size of a Crew’s Soulstone Pool is limited by the Cache of the Henchman leading it; any Soulstones above this amount are discarded.
• Any Actions, Abilities, or Triggers which summon models are considered to be “blank” (they may not be used and have no effect on the game, as if they were not printed on the model).
• Only one Scheme will be available.
• The same Crew must be used in each round of the event.
All rounds use the following set up:
• Deployment: Close.
• Strategy: Hardcore Turf War. This Strategy uses the Turf War rules (Core Rulebook pg. 66) with the exception that VP may be scored on the first Turn.
• Scheme Pool: Assassinate (Core Rulebook pg. 68). This is the only Scheme available and it must always be taken.
Rounds are 30min. (dependent on skill level of the majority of players, could be 60min. to give newer players more time)
Enforcer Brawl
Each player selects one Enforcer and attaches up to one Upgrade to it. The Upgrade must be something the Enforcer could have attached at the start of a normal game considering its Faction(s). (Leader only Upgrades may not be selected, for example.) The Enforcer must be one with a Cost which may be hired (no Coryphee Duets, for example).
The game is played on a standard table. Each player flips a card to determine deployment order; the player who flips highest deploys first, followed by the second highest, etc., until each player has deployed their Enforcer. If two or more players are tied, they reflip amongst themselves. Models may be deployed anywhere on the table which is more than 6” from another model.
Play proceeds for 6 rounds. Each round, all players flip for initiative; the player who flips highest must go first, followed by the second highest, etc. until all players have gone. If two or more players are tied, they reflip amongst themselves. If a model receives Reactivate, it receives a second Activation at initiative -1 (if multiple models Reactivate, they flip to determine which goes first).
Before the game, assign a suit (Rams, Tomes, etc.) to each table edge. On a player’s initiative, if they have no models in play or buried, they must flip a card which may not be cheated (reflipping jokers). The player places a new copy of the model they chose at the start of the Brawl (including its Upgrade) within 6” of the board edge corresponding to the suit flipped and then proceeds with their Activation as normal.
The Enforcer Brawl has the following restrictions/rules:
• Players have a hand of 4 cards, instead of the usual 6.
• Any Actions, Abilities, or Triggers which summon models are considered to be “blank” (they may not be used and have no effect on the game, as if they were not printed on the model).
• When a model is buried, it may choose to be sacrificed instead (in which case it counts as sacrificed by the model which forced it to become buried).
At the end of 6 Turns, the player with the highest Victory Points wins. Players score VP in the following manner:
• 3 VP for each opposing model killed or sacrificed. A player scores 4 VP instead if the model they killed or sacrificed had a higher Soulstone Cost (including the cost of Upgrades) than their model did.
• 1 VP for dealing 1 or more damage to an undamaged enemy (this may stack with killing the model). A player scores 2 VP instead if the model they damaged had a higher Soulstone Cost (including the cost of Upgrades) than their model did.
• -3 VP for each time the player’s model was killed or sacrificed.
• Groups are encouraged to come up with their own variant methods of scoring by including things like hidden Schemes, bonus points for killing certain models, area control, rules for attaching more Upgrades, etc. These are the base rules, have fun with them!
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