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angus, the barman (model idea)


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Neverborn/ten thunder

The friendly local barman at the honey pot, serving all sorts to all sorts.
A charming chap spends his nights filling the glasses of the patrons. At first glance an average height, average to stocky build with a muttenchop and mustaches covered face, as the night goes on people seem to see things around him, shadows flicker and flames dance. The truly inebriated start seeing shape's rise from around him, oozing tentacles sprawling from behind him, his muttenchops turning to a fanged mouth, at that point I the night some patrons take a trip to see the owner, while others are allowed on there way, who's going to listen to a drunk?

Angus           8ss.    5 cache
Mimic, nightmare, darkend
DF wp wd wk cg ht
5    6.   8    6    -   2



Big drinker
When this modle takes a 1 action it gains poison +1, at the end of the turn remove all poison on this modle and heal equal to the conditions value

Terifiying 12

Glass mi5 rst df/wp rg 2" 2/3/6

You deal with it ca 6 crow tn 13 rg 6
Put this modle in base contact with target frendle modle, put that modle in base contact with an enemy within 6 then target friendly takes a 1 action, (may only effect the same modle once per turn)
Tome: Target freindly gains focus
Mask: Target freindly can take a 0 insted

0 To much to drink, all models in aura 6 lose all immunity's to horror duels including immunity's gained by passing them


Neverborn/ten thunder
A good supply.          1ss

0 go on, have some ca 6crow tn 14 3" pulse
All modles must pass a  wp 13 duel or gain brilliance
Crow: Dregs: they also gain poison +2
Mask: Absinth: They also gain a -wp flip
Ram: Gut rot: They also gain a -df flip

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design ideas

angus was designed with 3 Main goals in mind

1. To give lynch a henchman he could higher Tha isn't the auto include huggy, so lynch can drop stones on a big(ish) model and feal happy its in theme

2. To buff up 10t brewi and offer him more synergy without giving more to gremlin brewmaster

3.to buff Lucius and give Lucius a mimic that will be strong in the guild




mimic is there for Lucius and to fit with graves and tannen. nightmear to Mack the horror elements more synergistic. And darkened for lynch


good wp average defense, decent wounds as his incorporial. Strong walk as its his only way up but no charge


big drinker is there as a heal method, letting him stand up front with brewi and act as a small Ss battery for Lucius while not makeing him impossible to nuke with a caster



mi 5 is week but its made as a last resort and should be focused or use the -flip from his upgrade

you deal with it

couple of core ideas with this, it can target leaders so he can poison pulse and then chuck brewi in and let him Drinking contest. He can throw tannen so he can put up chatty but remain manipulative or graves so graves can show them the Dore (I like the idea of angus saying you deal with it and tannens approach is to talk them to death and graves would throw them out) also works well with neverborns +flip out of activation and offers solid dmg output for a guild Lucius.

to much to drink

this was wear my angus idea started from. Basicly put him in the enemy's forces for loads of widow w and corpellius shenanigans, or in your force so Lucius is able to command the same modle multiple times

the good supply upgrade gives lynch and brewi some strength withought offering to much to guild Lucius that would make guild to good

go on, have some

this is a multi purpose upgrade, brilliance os for lynch, then it will normaly poison them (for breiw) but can insted - flip df or wp


combos and synergies


lets Lucius take less minions and make more use of the ones he has, also allowing Lucius to get closer to fights for his buff


pulse brilliance and Ss for the -df flip then move an iluminated next to some one and get them to attack then acomplice them so they can do 2 more

graves and tannen

as said above in, you deal with it


works with dreamers conflux, lets him throw corpellius and widow on to make a mess


gives brewi a bit of strength and some poison within 10t

I'm sure there is alot more out there but these are the designed combos

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