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Arcanist Strategies and schemes


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Not exactly what you asked for, but I felt like I should post this here :)

No that is sort of what i was talking about. Not exactly but its along those lines. that one kind of sets it up as if you have pick of Master which would be the best in that strategy and gives some sideline advice. Which you can kind of infer some of what I was asking. I am wanting to kind of take a look at each strategy, scheme and story encounter and setup a rating for each leader. Master and Henchmen both. I mean that is where the balance of the game is, the overall faction vs. a specific leader. I'm still really getting back into the full swing of the game and most of my experience is from M1E so I'm a bit outdated and am working on catching up fast. I have most everything but the Ironsides box set and that will soon be remedied and like to be fluid in my choice of master/henchmen. I am seeing lots of promise with models like the Firestarter, and am looking forward to getting them on the table. and just thought I would speed things along with other peoples experience.

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