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Steam Harness qeustions.


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I was reading about steam harnesses last night during my TtB session and it raised a few questions for me that I was hoping others could help answer.


Since there is no cost associated with that item how would one's character acquire it?

Furthermore, all crafting skills seem to key off the cost of an item but again the steam harness doesn't have a cost associated with it how would one's character go about building it?

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I agree with Happy-Yeti.


If you know one or more of your players wants one, I'd find a story reason to introduce one, perhaps in an abandoned workshop deep in the Quarantine Zone, or the lair of some macabre Arcanist/Resser like Professor Von Schtook.


Given that the harness is one of a handful of mystery items like Relic Hammers and such, I'd say the players can't 'just make one'. Given time to study a working example I imagine a player of sufficient skill could replicate one but that's outside the scope of the crafting system as it stands. Of course that means you're free to impose any costs you wish, ideally something more than just a scrip value.

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There's nothing stopping Fatemasters tinkering with the rules for Destiny steps, it's our game after all, but I'd be loathe to give a player a piece of equipment for resolving a Destiny step. It seems a little below par compared to getting an increase in an Aspect or a manifested power.


Now if you give the player the ability to build them as a manifested power, thus creating their own one and potentially others, that's a different story :)


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