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Season's Beatings ~ An Achievement League


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It is that time of the year again. Time for get togethers with family, large fancy dinners, gifts, and MALIFAUX!! Join the holiday fun at the Game Shoppe for the Season's Beatings Achievement League. There will be holiday themed story encounters every Monday in December as you play to earn achievement points. Encounters can played at any soul stone level and all are welcomed to join. At the end of it all, the player with the most achievement points will win a special model of their choice. But what would the holidays be without the act of giving? Not only does the player with the most points win a model of choice, but they will also pick another player in the league to win a special model also! It will be great times for all! Be sure to join our Facebook page if you want to be in the event for all the latest info! 

Where? Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th St Omaha, NE 68116 (402) 991-8699

When? Mondays December 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th

Time? Games can start at 6pm and run until 9pm

Cost? Nothing! 

Happy Holidays! 

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As promised, I said I would post up the story encounter used each day of my achievement league, and here you go. Enjoy



Suggested by Jon


Set up: Normal


Special Rules: At the end of the First Turn, your Leader gains the following Ability:

“Visited: If this model is in play during the Upkeep phase, you may score VP from the Spirited special rules. If this model is not in play at the end of the turn, return it to play at the start of the next turn in your deployment zone with half damage.”

At the start of each turn, a new Spirited special rule will come into play.


*Turn Two Spirited special rule: ‘A sloppy taxied past” After all models have activated, the First player may place a Scheme marker into play anywhere on the table. The second player may then do the same. If the scheme marker is in line of sight of a model with the Visited Ability, gain 1 VP.


*Turn Three Spirited special rule: “ A painful pixied present” All model, but models with the Visited Ability, deal +1 damage on all Attack Actions for this turn. If a model with the Visited Ability dealt at least 2 damage to an enemy model or suffered at least 2 damage from an enemy model, gain 1 VP.


*Turn Four Spirited special rule: “A grim dark future” If at least one enemy model is killed or sacrificed this turn, gain 1 VP. At the start of the next turn, place a copy of one of the models killed or sacrificed this turn into its controller’s deployment zone, the controller may pick the model.


*Turn Five Spirited special rule: “Put a little love in your heart” Any damage dealt by a model with the Visited Ability heals that much damage instead for this turn. If at least one enemy model is healed at least 3 damage by a model with the Visited Ability, gain 1VP.

Victory: The player that scores the most VP, wins the encounter.

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No one played this one, but I am no quitter. Here was this week's encounter:


Smoky Mountains Christmas

Suggest by Jose


Set Up- Place one 30mm Lorna Marker in the center of the table. Players should then flip a card and take turns placing 30mm Orphan Markers on the table. No Orphan Marker should be placed within 8” of any deployment zone and not within 6” of any other Orphan Marker. There will be seven Orphan Markers placed in total. After the last Orphan Marker is placed, the other player will place a 30mm Witch Marker on the centerline within 3” of the table edge. All Markers are Ht 2 (Ht 1 for Orphan Markers), Blocking, and Impassible.


Specials- All models gain the following Ability, “She’s an angel: This model may discard a card if within LOS of the Lorna Marker to make a 1 / 2 / 3 Healing flip.”

Any model within 1” of an Orphan Marker may (1) Interact with it to move it 6”.

After all models have activated, the Witch Marker will move 6” towards the closest Orphan Marker. If the Witch Marker is within 1” of the Orphan Marker, remove it from the table. If the Witch Marker is not within a 1” of an Orphan Marker and within 6” of any other model, that model gains Poison +2 and Slow conditions. If neither of the above condition at met, the Witch Marker will push 4” towards the closest Orphan Marker.


Victory- At the end of the encounter, players gain 1VP for each Orphan Marker within their Deployment zone. You may gain up to 4VP from this .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here was this Monday's encounter. It went over quite well. 


The Nightmare before Christmas

Suggested by Mariah


Set Up- Place 5 30mm Gift Markers along the centerline. One is placed at the center of the table. Then, two more are placed on the centerline 6" away from the center of the table (one on each side). Lastly, two more are placed on the centerline 6" away from table's edge (one on each side).


Special- A model may take a (1) Interact Action to destroy all Gift Markers within 6" of itself, and then place a Gift Marker in base contact with itself. This action can only be taken if at least one Gift Marker is removed in this way. For each Gift Marker removed in this way, flip a card.


Crow: A Shrunken head- the model must pass a TN 12 Horror duel.

Rams: Evil Ducky-the model must pass a TN 12 Df duel or suffer 1 / 2 / 3 damage.

Mask: Vampire Dolly- the model must pass TN 12 Wk duel or suffer 1 / 2 / 3 damage.

Tome: Sand Worm?- the model must pass a TN 12 Wk duel or gain the Slow condition.


All models in the encounter gain the following Attack Action:

What’s this? ( Sh 7c / Rst Df / Rg 8”) Target suffers 0 / 1 / 1 damage and gains Slow.

(Trigger) (C) What’s This? After success, take this action again. This action may not declare triggers.  


Victory Points- At the end of each Turn after the first a Crew earns 1 VP if there are more Gift Markers on the opponent's half of the table than its own. Gift Markers on the centerline do not count for either side.


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A little late on the update, but still here. Here is the last encounter for the league. We will see how well it goes over. 

Die Hard

Suggested by all


Set Up: Place 1 30mm Hans Marker at the center of the table. Then, 2 30mm Terrorist (We are not terrorist) Markers are placed on the centerline 6" away from the center of the table (one on each side). Lastly, two more 30mm Terrorist Markers are placed on the centerline 6" away from table's edge (one on each side). All markers placed this way are Ht2, Blocking, Impassible.


Special: Any model, except Peons and Minions, may declare Attack Actions on the Terrorist Markers. Terrorist Markers have 6 wounds and Df 12, flipping to hit and wound as normal. The Hans Marker may not be declared the target of any type of Action. After all models have activated, each Terrorist marker will attack the closest model within 12”. The model must make a TN 12 Df Duel or suffer 3 damage. After all the Terrorist Markers have attacked, the Hans Marker will attack the two closest models within 8” . Those models must pass a TN 14 Df Duel or suffer 3 damage.


The Leader of each crew gains the following Ability for this encounter:

“Yippie kay yay, Mother(sandwich)! : At the start of this model’s activation, it may discard a card to place a 50mm explosion marker. This marker must be in contact with any piece of terrain and must be out of LOS of this model. Any models touching the marker suffer 5 damage. Remove the marker at the end of the turn.


Victory: A Crew gains 1 VP for each Terrorist Marker it removes from the table. Terrorist Markers are removed once they suffer 6 damage as normal.  


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