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[ITALY] October 18th - Malifaux Halloween Tournament in Verona


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Malevolent spirits, doppelgangers, evil twins and demons, hail to all of you!

On Sunday, October 18th, there will be the first edition of ZUCCHALLOWEEN MAGIFAUX PARTOURNAMENT in Verona, inside the headquarter of Associazione Ludica Scaligera, piazza della Vittoria 10, Parona di Valpolicella, Verona - ITALY.

You can view all info, event rules and time schedule, here: https://www.facebook.com/events/754713424661828/

See you soon! :)

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Here's the Tournament in full details!

WHEN? Sunday, October 18th
WHERE? inside Associazione Ludica Scaligera, Piazza della Vittoria 10, Parona di Valpolicella, Verona - ITALY

09:30 startup and registrations
09:50 1st Encounter: pairings and crew building
10:00 1st Encounter: Start
11:50 1st Encounter: End
12:00 Lunch Break
2nd Encounter: pairings and crew building
13:50 2nd Encounter: Start
15:40 2nd Encounter: End
16:00 3rd Encounter: pairings and crew building

16:10 3rd Encounter: Start
18:00 3rd Encounter: End
18:15 End of Tournament and awards


Prizes for:

1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Last place
3 free gifts, Halloween themed, for all participants!


TOURNAMENT FORMAT: Gaining Grounds 2015, 3 Rounds Event
50ss - Fixed Faction

Encounters played during the Tournament could be valid for Nythera event if:
- both players are regularly registered on Wyrd Forums and on Nythera Event www.wyrd-games.net/nythera
- both players agree and are going to play different Factions

General Nythera rules apply.

Edited by @Archibald@
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