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4-Week Rapid Growth League Starts August 5th @ Fantasy Flight, Minneapolis MN


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The league will be using the Rapid Growth 2015 document that's in the Files section.
Here are the basics:
This is an 'escalation/achievement league'. It's meant to be fun and for the sake of learning the game better as opposed to being cutthroat. You're allowed to play as many games as you want; victory isn't the primary scoring method, achievements are.


You score points by completing achievements listed in the Rapid Growth doc. The player with the most points is the leader. If there's a tie, the player with the most achievements comes out ahead.


Wednesday nights will be considered 'League Nights'. (For the purpose of promoting getting out and playing, and also scoring points towards your achievement score.) You can get your games in at any point during the week/round, as long as you post pictures of your game and a short synopsis of how the game went.


Round 1, August 5th: 26 Soulstones, 
Round 2, August 12th: 30 Soulstones, 
Round 3, August 19th: 40 Soulstones
Round 4, August 26th: 50 Soulstones


The only change I'm making for this first league will be that I will not require painted models to play; but I do encourage that some progress be made on your crews. (After all, painting gains you points!)
I'll be available to play games if no other opponents show up.
Any questions so far? smile emoticon

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