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Painting the Darkness


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Does anyone else get a particular song by the Rolling Stones stuck in their head every time they use black paint?

Anyway - About me and painting.  Years and years ago I might have considered myself a borderline amateur painter, but now I'd describe myself as a beginner painter (first time painting minis in over a decade)... with aspirations of one day being great!  I realize to do that I need a LOT more practice, and hopefully a lot of feedback from the great painters in this community on where I can improve.  So let me state that again clearly - PLEASE, constructive criticism is highly appreciated.  I'm not posting these to boost my ego, I'm really hoping to learn with each model I do and I know I have a long way to go.  Don't worry about offending.
That being said, I do have a few disclaimers :).  I started off with a buddy's bloodbowl (and random WHF) minis before delving into my own Malifaux minis (starting with Lynch's crew).  And since they're not mine I don't have real plans to go back and make any adjustments to these particular models, but any and all feedback is welcome and I'll try to work on any suggestions as I move forward.  Also, I had a really limited palette of colors because I couldn't justify buying many paints for models weren't mine and were likely going back in a closet when I was done lol.
So enough excuses, I present you : The Dwarves and Chaos Dwarves.  Next up, Empire.


Also - this is my first time ever photographing minis.  So feedback in my photo skills is welcome as well lol.
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Now that I've got this thread open, I might as well try to use it to the fullest.

Here are some WIP blood bowl humans.  Apart from some touch up spots, flocking the bases, and pending any feedback, this is about as far as I know how to take them.  This is the first three models I've done in the unit, so if anyone has any suggestions for improvement as I finish the squad, I'm all ears :) 


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