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Hobby Tutorial: Long Grass Basing


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I have been trying to find a method to base some of my miniatures with long grass for a while, but anything I could find either looked too artificial or wasn't long enough. I finally stumbled up this method that turned out great that ends up being not only great looking, but ridiculously cheap to do.

Check out the Tutorial!

I hope this tutorial helps you all out!

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You have saved me a lot of time and money with this solution. I was just looking around for long grass at the local stores but couldn't find any. My last resort would have been to order some but they are quite expensive for what they are. Your solution is fast and inexpensive. Thank you very much for sharing!

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You have saved me a lot of time and money with this solution. I was just looking around for long grass at the local stores but couldn't find any. My last resort would have been to order some but they are quite expensive for what they are. Your solution is fast and inexpensive. Thank you very much for sharing!

Glad it helped! I was in the same boat when I found this method and figured there were others with the same need, so I just had to share it.
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