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Henchmen Hardcore & Enforcer Brawl @ Games Plus - Mt Prospect IL


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Malifaux Henchmen Hardcore & Enforcer Brawl
Sunday April 26th, 2015


@ Games Plus
101 W. Prospect Ave
Mt. Prospect, IL 60056
(847) 577-9656



Event Details:



Registration & Set-up: 10AM – 10:45AM


Tournament start time: Round 1 begins at 11AM


Entry Fee: $15.00 in store purchase of your choice.


Crew Painting Requirement: None, but the models must be assembled and properly based. 





Henchmen Hardcore


1st Place – Games Plus Gift Certificate


2nd Place – Games Plus Gift Certificate


3rd Place – Games Plus Gift Certificate



Best Painted Miniature – Games Plus Gift Certificate



Enforcer Brawl


1st Place – Games Plus Gift Certificate – Table #1 (4-8 players)


1st Place – Games Plus Gift Certificate – Table #2 (4-8 players)





Henchmen Hardcore Details:


Strategy: Hardcore Turf War (Every Round) – This strategy uses the standard Turf War rules (Core Rulebook pg. 66) with the exception that VP may be scored on the first turn. The maximum strategy VP that can be earned is still 4.


Scheme: Assassinate (Every Round) – (Core Rulebook pg. 68) this is the only Scheme available for each round and it must be taken.


Crew Construction: Single Faction 20SS. All crews must be led by a Henchman, not a Master. All crews must contain exactly 4 models, no more, no less. Upgrades may be purchased as allowed by the standard rules of Malifaux.  The size of a crew Soulstone pool is limited by the Cache of the Henchmen leading it; any Soulstones of the 20SS that are left over after hiring the crew and purchasing upgrades are discarded. 


Restriction #1: Any Actions, Abilities, or Triggers which summon models are considered to be "blank" (they may not be used and have no effect on the game, as if they were not printed on the model). No Summoning!


Restriction #2: The same crew including upgrades must be used for every round. You are allowed to change your list for each round but they must be hired from the same faction you announced at the start of the tournament.


Deployment: Close (Every Round)


Rounds: 5


Game Turns: 5


Round Time Limit: 45min which includes set-up.


Scoring: TP/Diff/VP


Henchmen Hardcore Schedule:


11AM – 11:45AM Round 1

12:00PM – 12:45PM Round 2

12:45PM – 1:30PM Lunch Break + Painting Contest

1:30PM – 2:15PM Round 3

2:30PM – 3:15PM Round 4

3:30PM – 4:15PM Round 5


Enforcer Brawl Details


Players will be divided up between two tables with a minimum of 4 players and a maximum of 8 players on a table. The round will consist of 6 turns and last 75 minutes. Before the game begins, each corner of the table will be assigned one of the 4 suits (Ram, Crow, Tome, and Mask). The corners of the table will retain these suits for the entire game. 


Each player will select one Enforcer and attach up to one upgrade to the model. The upgrade must be something the Enforcer could have attached at the start of a normal game considering its declared Faction. (Leader only upgrades may not be selected, for example.) Players are not allowed to select any of the Riders as their Enforcer.


All players use their own deck and will have a 4 card hand instead of the standard 6. At the start of the game each player will flip a card to determine the deployment order. If two or more players are tied they re-flip amongst themselves. The player with the highest deployment flip must go first followed by the next player with the next highest deployment flip and so on.


The first player to deploy may place his Enforcer anywhere on the table following the established rules for the terrain being used. Each player after that then places their model anywhere on the table but at least 6 inches away from another model.


Players will then reshuffle, draw their hand of 4 cards and flip for turn 1 initiative. Once the initiative order has been established, players may choose to cheat one card from their hand face down in front of them in an attempt to change their initiative position. The player with the lowest initiative number from the original initiative flip chooses to cheat or not cheat a card face down and this continues in order all the way up to the player that had the highest original initiative flip.


Once everyone has had a chance to place or not place a card from their hand face down then all players that chose to cheat a card then flips their card face up at the same time. The initiative order is then re-seeded and the turn begins with the player that now has the highest initiative flip followed by the next highest and so on.  


When a model is killed or sacrificed that model is removed from the table. All damage and conditions are removed. Its upgrade is reattached unless the upgrade was discarded during a previous activation in order to utilize a printed ability or the player was forced to discard the upgrade by another models ability.


If a player's model was killed or sacrificed before it had a chance to activate on its initiative turn order then the player flips a card from his deck on his initiative turn and places that model within 6 inches of a corner of the table based on the suit of the card flipped. After the model is placed it may activate as normal.


When a model would be buried during a turn the models controller may choose for it to be sacrificed instead. Any models that are buried at the end of a turn become unburied at the start of the next turn. Any models that are not on the table at the end of a turn because they were killed or sacrificed are placed on the table at the start of the next turn.


During the initiative flip on the new turn the models that were no longer in play at the end of the previous turn are placed within 6 inches of a corner of the table based on the suit of their flipped initiative card. Models are placed on the table before players choose to cheat a card from their hand in an attempt to change their initiative order.


If a model gains the reactivate condition during a turn that model will have the opportunity to reactivate after all players have activated. If multiple models gain the reactivate condition during a turn they will use their initiative order to determine the order in which the models reactivate.


Any Actions, Abilities, or Triggers which summon models are considered to be "blank" (they may not be used and have no effect on the game as if they were not printed on the model). If a model is buried at the end of turn 6 it will count as killed.  


Enforcer Brawl Scoring:


At the end of 6 turns, the player with the highest VP wins. Players can score VP in the following manner;


A player scores 3VP when it kills or sacrifices another model.


A player scores 1VP when it kills or sacrifices another model with a higher soulstone cost including the cost of any attached upgrade.


A player scores 1VP for dealing 1 or more damage to an undamaged enemy.


A player scores 1VP for dealing 1 or more damage to an undamaged enemy with a higher soulstone cost including the cost of any attached upgrades.


A player scores 1VP for having their model still in play on the table at the end of a turn.


A player scores 1VP for having their model within 6 inches of the center of the table at the end of a turn.


A player loses -3VP each time their model is killed or sacrificed.     




Enforcer Brawl Schedule


4:30PM – 5:45PM – Round 1 (Two Tables, 4-8 players each)


If players are agreeable we will play one more round or else the tournament will end at 6PM.


6:00PM – 7:15PM – Round 2 TBD




6PM OR 7:30PM

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Thanks to everyone that came out and played. We had a nice turn out. I look forward to seeing these two events at Adepticon 2016!



Hardcore Henchmen Results



1st Place – John Hartigan – Guild (5-0)


List(s) Played


Francisco/Santiago/Lawyer/Austringer (3 Rounds)

Francisco/Papa Loco/Lawyer/Austringer (2 Rounds)


2nd Place – Sean Overton – Gremlins (4-1)


List Played


Old Major/Gracie/Piglet/Piglet (5 Rounds)


3rd Place – Victor Szafranski – Gremlins (3-2)


List Played


Trixiebelle/Rafael/Francois/Slop Hauler (5 Rounds)


4th Place – Brendan Schultz – Guild (3-2)


List(s) Played


Ryle/Hunter/Hunter/Brutal Effigy (3 Rounds)

Sirdar/Hunter/Hunter/Brutal Effigy (2 Rounds)



Other lists played:


Guild - Ryle/Francisco/Austringer/Austringer


Guild - Ryle/Warden/Warden/Hunter


Gremlins - Francois/Rami/Pere/Raphael


Gremlins - Francois/Raphael/Pigapult/Stuffed Piglet


Neverborn - Bad Juju/Waldgeist/Waldgeist/Silurid


Neverborn - Nekima/Young Nephilim/Young Nephilim/Black Blood Shaman


Neverborn - Bad Juju/Silurid/Waldgeist/Gupp


Outcast - Hannah/Lazarus/Librarian/Rat


Outcast - Ana No Zako/Convict/Ronin/Ronin


Ten Thunder - Ototo/Rail Worker/Archer/Torakage




Painting Contest – Brian Wolf – Pere Ravage



Enforcer Brawl Results



1st Place – Victor Szafranski (Yin the Penangalan)


Other Enforcers played in the event:


Mature Nephilim/Teddy/Teddy/Lazarus/Bishop/Doppelganger/Gracie

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