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belle spam, mech rider and other broken things!


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I wouldn't call 6 belles gimped at all.  Pounce, for that juicy attack when they lure you into them. Sure, they're not beatsticks, but they're not terrible, and they do have Hard to Wound for when someone gets stuck in with them. Seems okay so far. They also have a way to give out Slow- in the same activation as luring you out of position. Dirty.


Playtesting with Nicodem has been encouraging. He makes them a little better when he's nearby. Don't think I'd run 6, although they are high on my list of summonables when it comes down to that... oh, and they have Companion as well, so there's the chance at a chain activation going on. 

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When I was playing Ressers one belle fit into nearly any list I played if not 2. They are probably the strongest minion model in the Resser's arsenal for denial. Nurses are a good runner up. When our players started, Belles were the most hated model out there because people continued to put valued snipers like Nino on a high perch he could be lured right off of. After a while, they learned to use positioning to protect themselves from being lured too far out and they complained about them much less. 

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