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Expanding Sonnia's crew


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I've been having a fair amount of luck running a single Lawyer, of all things, with Sonnia. If you are using her as a long-range mortar, she doesn't really need a defensive buff, but if you want to get mileage out of Reincarnation, you're going to need to be within 10 inches of the enemy and in line of sight. Considering that Sonnia has above-average wounds but pretty terrible defense, I find Hard to Wound is often a better investment than trying to get her Df out of the toilet, and he's cheaper than the other two pieces of defensive tech she usually has access to (namely Francisco's El Mayor and the Guardian's Guard).


He's also eligible for all of the Witchling Handler's abilities, and Special Damages is a much more worthwhile attack if it spreads Burning, Poison, *and* fees.

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