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Getting back into the game.

Arch Maniac

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We had a small group that played a bit during mark 1. Then someone brought in a netdecked Pandora list and sort of sucked the fun out of the game and the group died off. With mark 2 out some people came back and started playing again so after becoming a little disillusioned with Warmahordes I decided to head back into the breach and play my Neverborn again.


So from the mark 1 sets I have the following already:


3x Silurids

1x Bad Juju

1x Voodoo Doll

1x Teddy

2x Stitched Together


4x Marionette

3x Wicked Dolls

The Dreamer

Lord Chompy Bits

1x Coppelius


So I'm getting ready to get set up for the second edition so I know I need the rules. I'm also thinking of getting some new models to try out the new plastics.


I was thinking of grabbing 

Mother of Monsters and the Nephilim Boxes. 


I wasn't sure if there was any other recommendations to grab to go with what I have? I was also thinking I'd grab the arsenal decks too.


Thanks in advance for your time and assistance!



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Welcome back! And Pandora is no where near as brutal as she was (I know this only from others' assessment as I didn't start until this past June). As Neverborn is my main faction, I can say that you have a damn nice start of models for 2nd Edition.

Honestly, I'd get some Day Dreams if you can find them (the old pewter ones) and you'd be set to go with Dreamer, though he and Zoraida both have a new plastic box set out. As for Lilith, she's one of my favorite masters. I rarely, if ever, run her with the Nephilim though (personal preference, but I do find the Mature Nephilim handy for some games). She can do wonders with just her, Silurids, and Waldgeist depending on strat/schemes. The Nephilim box is nice to have though. As for Collodi, he is fast becoming my second favorite master next to Lilith. He offers a ton of control and is a nightmare for my opponents, especially with Stitched Together thrown in the crew.

Anyway, best of luck to you and glad you decided to return to the game.

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Meant to add this. I would suggest picking up the following items: Rulebook (no brainer :P ), and the Wave 1 & 2 Neverborn Arsenal decks as they will have all the model and upgrade cards for the entire faction. Zoraida and Lilith are in Wave 1, Dreamer and Collodi are in Wave 2 with the other models spread between the two, along with all the generic and Master specific upgrade cards.

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So I've seen Waldgeists mentioned a few times are they well worth picking up as well? I might wait on the daydreams unless I can find the metal ones in my local store as I suspect they are hard to find and I might just get the new plastic dreamer box at some point instead as it contains alps too if the new dreamer sculpt is nice enough. Thanks for your thoughts Asrian.

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Waldgeist are very good. Armor +2, melee attack trigger that can root opponents, ability to create severe terrain, if they are touching or in severe their melee range goes from 2" to 4". They are very nice "tanks" for Neverborn that can bog down opponents with their terrain (doesn't block LoS but can impede their movement) and they can hold down large areas with their potential 4" melee range.

As for Dreamer box set, the new plastics are nice. The only complaints I've read people having is the lack of overall muscle definition/detail in Lord Chompy Bits, and putting together the Day Dream holding the Dreamer's hand as it's on par with Yan Lo's beard and McMourning's Chihuahua for frustration.


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