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12/13/2014 - Bad Things Happen - Tournament at Gauntlet Games in Lincoln, NE


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When: December 13, 2014, 1:00pm


Where: Gauntlet Games, 3231 S 13th Street, Lincoln, NE


What: A 3-round, casual tournament wrap-up to the Bad Things Will Happen league, but anyone can play, not just people who have competed in the league!  The entry fee is $5 for non-league participants, and 10 League Points will be awarded just for coming in to play!  Each round will be about two hours, with 90 minutes for play and a ten-to-fifteen minute break afterward.


In the fifteen minutes prior to each play period, players will have 60 seconds to construct a crew.  Schemes, Strategies, and size of game will not be announced beforehand.  Once this is completed, players will then compete in an auction using the League Points they have accumulated throughout the league.  The auctioned items can be used to give yourself advantages in the rounds, but mostly they will apply potentially devastating hindrances to your opponents.


Prizes will be offered for first, second, and third places, with a special prize for last place, and a raffle for everyone else.  Players will receive bonus tickets in the raffle for leftover League Points.



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Wow.  We run 8-person tournaments all the time, so don't let that stop you.  Anyway, we are having one on Saturday in Lincoln based on the Fight Night scenario.  It's Victoria's event, but she hasn't posted anything about it yet, so I'll just let you know that it's a 50SS Scrap but the only thing that's fixed is the Wrestler, i.e. the crew and faction can change, but the Wrestler must remain the same.  Crews still have to be legal.  At the end there will be a Royal Rumble where everyone throws their Wrestler onto the table and the last one standing takes the belt.  Prizes for placement and the champion wrestler.  I know it's short notice, but we'd love to have you down (same goes for you, LZ and Omahans)!  It's at Gauntlet Games in Lincoln, and I think we're starting at noon (I'll have to check tonight).

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Hey ya sorry didn't sub this post, will do now. Didn't realize my location didn't show- from Des Moines. Will definitely love to shoot over there for a day. We have a few that work saturdays, so need a couple weeks notice. We have 3-4 going to adepticon, we're excited to meet up with other groups! We are thinking of hosting something maybe in April or May on a saturday.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Next time either of you NE folks have a tourney, let me know! I've talked to my group and we have a few interested in day tripping out to you all. We are sitting at about 12 people with 8 regulars so we are hoping to get enough people to have a tourney of our own in the next few months.


I run my events with the 5 players! That is all I got to work with. I would love to have more players, but no one wants to stay after they show up once. 

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