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Leave it to luck and the Damage flip

The Godlyness


So this just came to my attention and i wanted to know if this is how it is meant to be




To perform a damage flip the model dealing the Damage flips the top card of its Deck and compares the card’s value to the damage flip chart below. A model may Cheat Fate on a damage flip with the same restrictions as any other flip.



Black joker- No damage

1 to 5         - Weak
6 to 10       -Moderate
11 to 13     -Severe
Red Joker -Severe + Weak


Leave it to luck

Until the end of the Turn, models within :aura 6 treat any :mask  cards which they flip or play as having +2 value, and any  :tome  cards
which they flip or play as having -2 value.



So For one This abilty stacks the same way Canine -1DF :aura  stacks. no debate on that


So with many Lighting bugs you could easily get +/- 6 to any duel total.



Now my main question. On the Damage flip if i flip a 4 :mask  does it become 6 :mask . So instead of doing Weak damage it is now doing Moderate.


But now if i flip a 13 :mask  for the damage flip how much damage does it do since we have no chart or anything above it (sans red joker)  I would just say severe to keep it simple even though it doesn't say what to do. if the chart said 11-13+ severe that would fix this easy. No i am not obtuse enough to say it does nothing since there are no rules for it


so if in an aura of three lighting bugs does my minimum damage always be moderate when flipping or cheating :mask s?except when i flip the Black joker?



I Think the answer is yes i just don't know if it should be



edit. i am an idiot and cant read some days. 

They do not gain any of the modifiers (Fate or otherwise) that were applied directly to the Duel that might have caused the damage flip. Effects that modify the damage flip will State that they do so specifically.


unless leave it to luck does still effect it but now i really dont think it does

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