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Bad Juju vs. The Viks!


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So, achievement league at our LGS.  I'm not a big Bat Rep girl cause I think it's actually a lot of work and my memory is terrible.  However, our henchman says that a "story" Bat rep is also acceptable.  So here is mine.


40ss.  He took Bad Juju wanting to get the 40ss henchman lead crew points.  I decided to go with a bunch of things I'd either never or rarely used and wanted to get the no repeated models points from the league scoring sheet.


So, without further adieu here is 



That’s Some Bad Juju  Right There….

It was a typical day in the forest … the air was ripe with the stench of death and decay and Vic thought something ... damp and musty.  It was clear that she and her gang needed to get into the area and hold ground.  She had intel that something was going down here today.   What exactly?  That she did not know.  She did know that Killjoy, of all “people, "  and she used that word loosely, was a key player.  She was not sure what was going on in that grotesque mind but he sure was a little off this day.  Usually he’s running off after any little thing he could torture and destroy but today he had a sense of, well, mindful purpose.

Mysteries – that is certainly par for the course in this neck of the woods.

As Victoria and her sister and other companions were moving through the lush grounds, she saw a dense area of the wood go even denser.  Then, all of a sudden the woods erupted in action. Silurids, a pair of Waldgeists, a sorrow , stitched and Bad Juju burst out into view.


There was a flurry of activity as the 3 sisters spread out to cover ground and give support to their comrades.

Sue and the Gunslinger went up one flank with Vanessa, the child and  Victoria of Blood going up the other.  Ashes and Killjoy went right up the middle. The Sorrow was first to die  in a hail of gunfire, no one of the swampfiends were even sure of from whence it came.

On the left flank, Vanessa doesn’t look like much but it’s quite the mistake to underestimate this unassuming woman.  She’s been around the block a few times and has learned a lot of the ways of the arcane.  She raised her arms and a shot of magical energy swarmed around one of the Waldgeists.  Then came Victoria of blood, with a look of cold steel in her eyes.  She was a blur of blades and flesh and gore went flying in all directions.  She was not untouched herself and the child attempted to provide some healing but the pressure seemed too much for him.  In the meantime Killjoy was lumbering up the centerline threatening to freight train through anything in his way.   This did not seem to put off Juju, however.  Juju stepped into the clearing almost beckoning to Killjoy, daring him to charge and charge he did.  The fury of his charge could be felt in the foundations of the earth as he smacked full force into Juju.  And just like that, it was over. Juju’s run of misfortune just seems to keep piling up, as his existence remains his greatest torture. Another defeat.   And at the hands of that brute! His humiliation complete as he fell at killjoy's feet.

Meanwhile, Sue and The Gunslinger continued on their way up the right flank.  The Gunslinger seemed a madman, charging and shooting anything in sight as Sue seemed to playing a more reserved role tonight.   Ashes was able to engage a Stitched and a Waldgeist distracting them from whatever it was they were purposing to do out here.

Then, all of a sudden, Sue turned, lightning fast and charged right at the silurid, guns blazing.  He almost hit Victoria but in his mad dash he missed everything.  That is when they all felt the heat coming off him. And a ring of fire erupted from the ground rising higher and higher, about to consume all around him. And then, as fast as it rose, it died again as the Stitched cut Sue down.

Victoria of Blood got some much needed revitalizing healing via Vanessa and the child and continued her onslaught until her foes were just bloody smears on the ground.  She infiltrated farther into the enemy's territory.  She decided she needed to mark this bit of ground for which she bled and killed and so, she took down her pants, squatted and let her waste out to mark the spot as she threw back her head and laughed.   She always did have a twisted sense of humor.

In no time, the Sisters' foes had been vanquished and run down to the “man” so to speak.   The entire area was under the control of the Viks and Vanessa.  They lost Sue but were able to keep Killjoy alive and suffered no other deaths that day.  The gunslinger was going to need a lot of TLC to recover from his grievous wounds. Yet, all in all a successful campaign.  Now all they had to do was figure out what the Swampfiends wanted with this bit of territory that they  tried so much to protect. But that is a tale for another day.

Note: I have rarely seen such a lop-sided game in just sheer luck of flips and hands.  I was flipping face cards often when needed, had the RJ in hand twice to use when I needed.  

Poor John had terrible luck on the flips, “wasted” RJ flips when defending at least 3 times and the one time he did have it in his hand he ended cheating it on, yes, another defence flip.

Whirlwind went off multiple times, just from flipping.  The Vics healing like they do was just devastating coupled with all the above.

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