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As my game clubs master terrain builder,I need to build some terrain/scenery for Malifaux.Problem is,I don't know where to start.I have never seen a game played,so I have no point of reference. I know there is a set that can be bought,Terraclips,but I prefer to build it all. Any suggestions? Also,how big  is a standard play area? 4x4,4x6?

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I would aim for 3 or so 6" x 3" bases to mark the area of trees and some freestanding trees that are moveable to sit on top

3 or so buildings

some walls/fences/hedges

Some areas of low level difficult terrain swamps, rivers, piles of bones

maybe some dangerous terrain, industrial sludge, lava.


per 3x3 board.


in otherwords it should be fairly dense, but it's a smaller than normal board. (saying that 4x4 with a marked out 3x3 area is probably best as you need a bit of area to put cards tokens, deck etc in)



here is an article I wrote on terrain for Malifaux  http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/100508-malifaux-terrain/


hope this helps...

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One thing to note is to make sure the doors are large enough I would aim for 30mm wide for general use if you can, and it's worth having 2 entrances into a building or it just becomes a death trap.



But who doesn't love a good death trap?!




Seriously though, I am a huge supporter of 0 ht terrain.  (Swamps, rivers, bone fields, etc.)  A lot of clubs coming off of other games tend to be short on that sort of terrain.  Small items can be really helpful as well.  (Individual trees, crate piles, wells, etc.)  Other than that, Ratty and his article pretty much covers everything ( and really covered these points as well.  I just like to reinforce them.)

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