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Industrial Terrain in 28mm and 15mm scale on Kickstarter

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Hey Everyone!
Just wanted to let you know about our 28mm / 15mm Industrial Terrain Kickstarter 
We have already funded so you're guaranteed to be receiving your reward. Shipping will start in August 2014 (no waiting years for our terrain) and we send out rewards based on when you pledge, so the sooner you pledge the quicker you get your stuff.
People are asking if we are going to do the 15mm Military style terrain in 28mm and the 28mm sci fi style terrain in 15mm, so be sure to check out Update #1 for more info on that (in short, probably, but it depends on you).
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please don't hesitate to post them!
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28mm and 15mm Custom Billboards Stretch Goal!


We thought we’d try something new and offer a Kickstarter Exclusive, that’s right this will be your one and only chance at this terrain and since we are doing an exclusive, we figured what the heck, let’s make it a custom piece as well!


In short, you’ll be able to work with our graphic artist and design your own custom billboard.


To Unlock the Billboards we are looking for $1,000 from NEW BACKERS, any increases from current backers don’t count and we’ll inform you daily of where we are on this new goal. Time to tell your friends to get off the fence and pledge!


We’ll be putting out an update around 5:00 PM EST on the project that will have all the details, but we wanted to give you a sneak peek. 





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  • 2 weeks later...
thanks to everyone else who made this kickstarter a success!
If you want to know what our next Kickstarter will be and get some sneak previews you can check out this thread on our Facebook Page:
Also if you want to be kept up to date on the latest deals and happenings from Impudent Mortal be sure to sign up for our newsletter on our website
Plus we give away free terrain every quarter to someone subscribed to the newsletter!
Thanks again!
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